Revoke Blueprint
To remove the specified record from the blueprint process it is part of.
Request URL{module_api_name}/{record_id}/blueprint/revoke
module_api_name - The API name of the module
record_id - The unique Id of the record
Request Method
Possible module names |
candidates, job_opening, interview, client, contact, department, vendor, application, task, event, referral |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description | Possible Values |
record_id | Number | The unique ID of the specified record | Entity IDs separated by commas. For example: 410405000002264040, 410405000002264025 |
Possible Errors
HTTP Status Code | Error Code | Error Message | Reason |
400 | INVALID_MODULE | The module name given seems to be invalid | The module name specified in the API request might have been invalid or removed from the account. |
400 | INVALID_MODULE | The given module is not supported in API | For modules such as Documents and Projects, the current API will not be supported. (Support will be added soon) |
400 | RECORD_LOCKED | Record is Locked for Processing in GDPR | The entity has either been Restricted or Opted-Out via GDPR. |
202 | CANNOT_PERFORM_ACTION | Record is not part of any Blueprint Processes. | The record id included in the API request does not seem to be part of any blueprint processes. |
Sample Request
Copiedcurl ""
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.03xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxa5317.dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxfa"