Create Assessment
To create an assessment in your Zoho Recruit account through an API request.
What are assessments?
Assessments enable you to evaluate systematically and analyze candidates during the hiring process. These assessments serve as valuable tools to identify an applicants skills, competencies, and qualifications, helping your teams make informed hiring decisions. In Zoho Recruit, assessments are classified into types and categories based on their usage and intended purpose.
Assessment Types
Assessment types represent distinct evaluation methods or formats used to assess candidate qualifications and suitability for specific job roles. These can encompass a range of evaluation tools, such as, Pre-screening tests, Behavioral & Background screening, psychometric tests, or any other means of measuring a candidate's capabilities.
For example, an organization may create assessment types for technical assessments, behavioral interviews, or managerial evaluations, allowing for a clear and systematic approach to candidate assessment. This categorization enhances the overall management of assessments within the Zoho Recruit system, making it easier to track and evaluate candidate progress and performance.
Assessment Category
Assessment Categories allow users to categorize and designate the intended users and purposes for specific assessments within the platform. Zoho Recruit offers three categories of assessments, each tailored to different aspects of the recruitment process, namely;
Candidate Assessments: Allows recruiters to screen candidates by linking assessments to job posts. For example, when hiring for a software developer position, a coding test can be associated with the job post to evaluate candidate programming skills. Recruiters can then send
Recruiter's Assessments: Helps recruiters rate candidates and fill in assessment answers on their behalf, facilitating a comprehensive evaluation process. For instance, recruiters can go on a quick call with a candidate and provide detailed feedback on their soft skills, communication abilities, or cultural fit.
Interviewer Assessment: Designed for interviewers, this category enables them to assess candidates during interviews. Interviewers can evaluate factors like problem-solving skills, interpersonal abilities, and overall suitability for the role, helping the hiring team make informed decisions.
Request URL
Request Method
scope= ZohoRecruit.modules.assessment.{operation_type}
Possible operation types |
ALL - Full data access |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description | Possible Values |
Assessment_Name* | String | The unique ID of the assessment. | 100001000000203138 |
Category* | Pick List Value | The Category of the assessment, i.e., Candidate Assessment, Recruiter's Assessment (or) Interviewer Assessment | Candidate Assessment |
Type* | Pick List Value | The Type of the assessment, i.e., General, Pre-Screening, Behavioral Screening, etc. | Background Screening |
Rating_Type | String | The type of rating used in the assessment. | Star Rating |
Description | String | The description for the assessment. | Sample Description: Software Engineer Level 2 |
$sections | JSON Array | Questions details for the assessment, i.e., Question, Weightage, Type, etc. | "$sections": [ { "display_label": "String", "questions": [{ "display_label": "String", "qualifier": { "weightage": 5, "action": "unqualified" }, "tooltip": { "name": "Info Icon", "value": "Info Content" }, "data_type": "String", "required": false, "pick_list_values": [ { "score": 5, "display_value": "String" }] }] } ] |
- Rating types
- For Interviewer Assessments, you will have two available rating types, i.e., Thumb Rating and Star Rating.
- For Recruiter and Candidate Assessments, you can only select Star Rating.
- Question data type
- Candidate assessments can contain questions of different data-types such as; picklist, multiselect, radio, boolean, text, textarea.
- Interviewer and Recruiter's assessments can only contain textarea questions.
- Competencies [$sections]
- For Recruiter & Interviewer Assessments, you only need include the display_label, required, data-type parameters for each for each question object in a $section. This is because both of these categories can only contain text-area type questions.
Possible Errors
HTTP Status | Error Code | Message | Reason |
202 | INVALID_DATA | Objective type questions cannot be added without including related pick_list_values. | For objective type questions, all related answers must be included to the request body. |
202 | INVALID_DATA | Boolean data_type must have exactly two pick_list_values | Boolean type questions must have exactly two answers. |
| For all objective questions except boolean, you can add three to ten picklist values | Objective type questions (except boolean) can have three to ten answers. |
202 | INVALID_DATA | The minimum weightage for this qualifier question must be lower than or equal to <value> | Objective type questions, each answer can be assigned a score (weightage). Example: If there are three answers with 6, 6 and 8 as their respective scores, the qualifying score must be less than 20. For radio, picklist and boolean questions, the passing score must be lower than the highest possible score. Example: If there are three answers with 7, 5 and 9 as their respective scores, the qualifying score must be less than 9. |
202 | INVALID_DATA | Recruiter and Interviewer assessments Category can only have text-area questions | Recruiter's and Interviewer assessments can only contain text-area type questions. |
202 | LIMIT_EXCEEDED | Max question limit per questionnaire is <no. of questions> | You have reached the question limit for the assessment you are trying to update.
202 | INVALID_DATA | For the boolean data_type, the score of one pick_list_values must be 0. | For Boolean type questions, the weightage of one of the two answers must be 0. |
202 | INVALID_DATA | This display_label has already been used in the assessment | The section name included in your request already exists in the assessment. Try using a different label. |
Sample Request - Candidate Assessment
"data": [
"Description": "Sample Description",
"Category": "Candidate Assessment",
"$sections": [
"display_label": "Challenging Quantitative Aptitude",
"questions": [
"display_label": "Which of the following numbers are prime, palindromic, and can be expressed as the sum of two perfect squares?",
"qualifier": {
"weightage": 5,
"action": "unassociate"
"data_type": "multiselect",
"required": false,
"pick_list_values": [
"score": 10,
"display_value": "313"
"score": 0,
"display_value": "424"
"score": 10,
"display_value": "757"
"score": 0,
"display_value": "909"
"display_label": "Analytical Problem-Solving",
"questions": [
"display_label": "Describe a recent complex problem you tackled, your approach and the outcome. Highlight the key strategies you used to arrive at your solution.",
"qualifier": {
"weightage": 5,
"action": "unassociate"
"tooltip": {
"name": "Info Icon",
"value": "Complex problem"
"data_type": "textarea",
"required": false
"Assessment_Name": "assessment_name",
"Type": "General",
"Rating_Type": "Star Rating"
Sample Request - Recruiter's Assessment
"data": [
"Description": "Description of Assessment",
"Category": "Recruiter Assessment",
"$sections": [
"display_label": "Teamwork and Collaboration",
"questions": [
"display_label": "Team Collaboration",
"required": false
"display_label": "Communication and Motivation"
"display_label": "Problem-Solving",
"questions": [
"display_label": "Problem-Solving Ability",
"required": false
"Assessment_Name": "Behavioral Test",
"Type": "General"
Sample Request - Interviewer Assessment
"data": [
"Description": "Description of Assessment",
"Category": "Interviewer Assessment",
"$sections": [
"display_label": "Communication Skills",
"questions": [
"data_type": "textarea",
"display_label": "Rate candidate's verbal communication skills",
"required": false
"data_type": "textarea",
"display_label": "Rate candidate's written communication skills",
"required": true
"display_label": "Leadership Skills",
"questions": [
"data_type": "textarea",
"display_label": "Rate candidate's leadership abilities",
"required": false
"Assessment_Name": "Screening Interview",
"Type": "General",
"Rating_Type": "Thumb Rating"
Sample Response
"data": [
"code": "SUCCESS",
"details": {
"Modified_Time": "2022-11-22T11:31:45+05:30",
"Modified_By": {
"name": "Patricia Boyle",
"id": "17194000000408003"
"Created_Time": "2022-11-22T11:31:45+05:30",
"id": "17194000002446009",
"Created_By": {
"name": "Patricia Boyle",
"id": "17194000000408003"
"message": "record added",
"status": "success"