Schedule events
You can schedule events like meetings, presentations and reviews and invite participants from your project team. Recurring events can also be scheduled to repeat daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. Set a time to remind the attendees in advance to make sure nobody forgets.

See upcoming events
You can see all your scheduled events categorized as today, tomorrow and later. Here you can also see the event date, duration and the list of participants.

View elapsed events
You can view a list of elapsed events. This can be used to keep a record of important details of the events such as minutes of meetings, copies of presentations made and the documents involved. This can be a handy resource for those who missed the event to catch up on what happened.

Add meeting notes and documents
If you feel the participants must come with some prior knowledge about topics to be discussed, you can associate documents with events. Details such as minutes of the meeting can be added as comments to events.