
How many files can I attach to each invoice?

You can attach up to 10 files (5 MB each) to the invoices you create in Zoho Books.

To attach a file:

  • Go to the Sales module on the left sidebar and select Invoices.
  • Click + New on the top right corner of the page.
  • Select the invoice to which you want to attach files.
  • Click Attach Files on the top right corner of the invoice’s details page.
Click Attach Files
  • Select how you want to upload the file.
Upload Method Description
Drag & Drop Upload the files available in your system.
Cloud Upload the files from cloud resources like Zoho Workdrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive, etc.
Documents Upload the files from the Documents module in Zoho Books.

Once you upload the file, you can access it by clicking Attach Files on the top right corner of the invoice’s details page.

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