How do I change/update the billing/shipping address in a quote/invoice?

Note: If you have enabled the Use Simplified View option at the top of the invoice creation/edit page, you won’t be able to view the billing and shipping address of the customer. You would need to disable the option to view and make changes to the addresses.

To change the billing/shipping address of a customer in an invoice:

  • Go to the Invoices module in the left sidebar, and select the invoice for which you want to change the billing/shipping address.
  • Below the Customer Name field, click the Edit icon next to Billing Address if you would like to change the billing address, or the Edit icon next to the Shipping Address to change the shipping address of the customer.
  • Make necessary changes to the form that’s displayed, and click Save.

Your customer’s addresses will be changed/updated in the invoice accordingly.

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