The growing shift to hybrid work ranks among the most impactful transformations in work practices in the last century. Emerging workplace trends have heightened demand for flexibility, leading many organizations to rethink how to effectively communicate, collaborate, innovate, and connect with customers.
"Companies plotted on the Frost Radar™ are the leaders in the industry for growth, innovation, or both. They are instrumental in advancing the industry into the future."

Zoho Meeting is honored to be recognized by Frost & Sullivan in its 2021 Radar for Cloud Meetings and Team Collaboration Services. The report's insights include the Innovations, Growth Metrics, and Frost perspective for Zoho in the Cloud Meeting and Team Collaboration services market. Grab the copy to read the Frost Radar complete evaluation and assessment of Zoho in this market.
About Frost & Sullivan:
For the past 60 years, Frost & Sullivan has applied actionable insights to create a stream of innovative growth opportunities for companies, governments, and investors. Frost & Sullivan’s global team of analysts and consultants continuously researches a wide range of industries across the globe. In that vein, the Frost Radar™ serves as a truly dynamic solution to continuously benchmark companies’ future growth potential with clear insight into their core strengths and weaknesses.