What is a landing page?

A landing page is the standalone page where your users will land when they click on your online ads or links in your emails. Unlike a regular website page, a landing page is a strategic marketing tool with a singular goal to encourage users to take action. This could include downloading a guide, registering for a demo, subscribing to a newsletter, or making a purchase.

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click-through landing page appointment landing page event
landing page types

What is the difference between a website homepage and landing page?

Landing PagesWebsites
All landing pages are created with a specific goal in mind, such as promoting a product, generating leads, or making a sale.Websites provide an overview of the business with extensive information about its products and services.
Landing pages have minimal distractions to guide users towards the primary call-to-action of the landing page.Websites have complex navigation structures with menus, submenus, and internal links to guide users through various sections.
The landing page design is crafted to match the specific marketing campaign or PPC ad. This helps create a consistent experience for users and enhances conversion opportunities.The website design aligns with the overall brand identity, ensuring a consistent and unified representation of the business.
Landing Pages
All landing pages are created with a specific goal in mind, such as promoting a product, generating leads, or making a sale.
Landing pages have minimal distractions to guide users towards the primary call-to-action of the landing page.
The landing page design is crafted to match the specific marketing campaign or PPC ad. This helps create a consistent experience for users and enhances conversion opportunities.
Websites provide an overview of the business with extensive information about its products and services.
Websites have complex navigation structures with menus, submenus, and internal links to guide users through various sections.
The landing page design is crafted to match the specific marketing campaign or PPC ad. This helps create a consistent experiences for users and enhances conversion opportunities.

Benefits of using landing pages in your marketing


Analyze your audience

Analyze audience through landing pages with visitor analytics, form analytics, and use A/B testing for extensive insights and data-led optimization.


Effective lead generation

Create engaging landing pages with clear calls-to-action, offer incentives, optimize for search engines, and include lead capture forms to effectively generate leads.


Improved marketing reach

Elevate marketing reach through compelling landing pages tailored to your audience and optimized for search engines, ensuring increased visibility and engagement.

Landing page template for high conversions


Get noticed quickly with catchy landing page headlines that are interesting and directly speak to what your audience cares about.

 Benefits & Features

Ease user concerns with a clear features/benefits section that outlines how your product or service directly addresses their needs.


Enhance your lead generation strategy with well-designed forms that strike the balance between user-friendliness and effective data collection.

 Social Proof

Instill confidence in users by incorporating trust-building elements such as customer testimonials, reviews, or trust badges.

 Images & Videos

Enhance your landing page's visual appeal and convey information effectively with relevant, high-quality images and videos.

 CTA Button

Guide visitors towards achieving your landing page goal with a prominent and action-oriented call-to-action button.

Types of landing pages

Lead generation landing Page

Lead generation landing page

Used to capture user information through forms and convert visitors into potential leads. The collected leads can then be nurtured to foster long-term customer relationships.

Clickthrough landing page

Clickthrough landing page

Used in ecommerce to encourage visitors to click through to another page. These pages are typically used for pre-selling products before directing them to the sales page.

Sales Landing Page

Sales landing page

Crafted to drive sales by providing compelling information about a product or service and a clear CTA for purchase, these landing pages are used to reduce friction in the buying process.

Event landing page

Event landing page

Used for promoting and collecting registrations for events, webinars, or conferences, event landing pages are essential tools for marketing and organizing successful events.

Squeeze Landing Page

Squeeze landing page

Minimalistic pages designed to "squeeze" information from users, typically through the exchange of their email addresses for a valuable resource or incentive, known as the lead magnet.

coming soon landing page

Coming soon landing page

Used to build excitement and foster early engagement with potential customers ahead of the official launch of the product/service.

Landing page best practices

Clutter-free design

Ensure key elements like your headline, unique sales proposition, and CTA remain prominently visible by positioning them above the fold. But don’t overcrowd the screen and hide your CTA. Make sure everything visitors need is visible from the start.

Limited navigation

Minimize navigation links and distractions to guide visitors toward the primary goal of your landing page and increase the likelihood of conversion. A streamlined experience ensures that users stay focused on the desired action and aren’t tempted to explore unrelated content or leave your page prematurely.

Benefit-oriented approach

Crafting benefit-oriented copy is key to capturing your audience’s attention and convincing them to take action. Highlight how your product or service can solve their specific problems or fulfil their needs. Use persuasive language that resonates with their pain points, making it clear why choosing your offering will improve their lives or address their challenges effectively.

Mobile-friendly experience

A substantial number of users access landing pages through their smartphones and tablets. So it’s essential to tailor your landing page design and functionality for a user-friendly mobile experience.

Streamlined forms

Avoid unnecessary form fields and use encouraging language in your forms to minimize friction and improve form submission rate. Ensure that the form is optimized for mobile devices to increase conversions across devices.

Optimize for search engines

Enhance search engine visibility using something like Zoho LandingPage’s Content Assistant and SEO Assistant to incorporate relevant keywords in your landing page content and meta tags efficiently. Analyze your landing pages with SEO insights to identify areas for improvement and boost your SEO ranking.

How to optimize your landing pages for conversions

 Experiment with A/B testing

Landing page elements like headlines, images, CTAs, and overall layout can be tested to understand user preferences. By systematically experimenting with variants via A/B testing, businesses can make data-driven decisions to improve conversion rates and overall user engagement.

 Personalize for conversions

Personalization involves delivering a unique experience to different segments of your audience. This can be achieved by dynamically changing the landing page content based on user attributes. Personalized landing pages help create a more engaging and relevant user experience, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Frequently asked questions

  • What should a landing page include?

    A landing page should include a headline, compelling content, attractive visuals, a persuasive call-to-action (CTA), lead capture forms, and social proof elements such as testimonials or trust badges.

  • How many landing pages should a website have?

    The number of landing pages a website should have depends on your marketing goals and your range of products/services. In general, businesses may have multiple landing pages, each tailored to specific products, services, or campaigns, to maximize conversion opportunities.

  • Does a landing page replace a website?

    No, a landing page is not a replacement for a website. While landing pages help accomplish your marketing conversion goals, websites are also necessary to provide comprehensive information about your business, products, and services.

  • How can I create a landing page?

    You can create a landing page using landing page builders, which offer professional templates that can be customized according to your business and campaign needs. Landing page software helps you build and publish landing pages quickly without having to write code.