
How does ”Configure emails" option work?

  1. When you add an email address to your organisation in Zoho Books, all emails sent out of that organisation will have this email address in the sender’s field. This implies that the email address must be authenticated by you.

  2. For this purpose, whenever you add an email to your organisation under Configure emails, a verification mail is sent to the new email address.

Let’s follow an example to understand the process further.

Patricia Boyle has an organisation in Zoho Books, Zylker Inc. She wants to add another email to her organisation. When Patricia adds additional contact email address (, a verification link will be sent to this email. Now, must copy and resend the link to Patricia Boyle.

Verification Email

Finally, Patricia Boyle must verify the link. Now, upon logging into Zoho Books, the new email address will be added.

Confirming Email address

All emails sent from Zylker Inc. will now have as the sender’s email address.

NOTE: This flow of email address verification has been set in this pattern, to assure authentication of the users. As, your Zoho Books account contains critical financial information, we make sure that only the right person gets access to it.

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