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Custom Domain Mapping

This feature lets your customers access the Customer Portal with a custom domain name.

Scenario: Patricia runs a company named Zylker and her website’s domain name is With custom domain mapping, her customers can access their customer portal from instead of

Mapping Your Custom Domain to Zoho Invoice


To map a custom domain name, you have to add a CNAME record in your domain name provider’s website (e.g. GoDaddy) and then verify your domain name in Zoho Invoice. To do this:

Insight: A CNAME record is used to map one domain to another.

Insight: The host name is usually your subdomain name. i.e, if your custom domain name is, your domain name is and your subdomain name would be billing.

You won’t be able to proceed until we verify that your CNAME record reflects on the DNS server. However, a newly created CNAME record could take a while to reflect on the DNS server. This depends on your domain name provider’s TTL (Time to Live) settings. You can contact your domain name provider’s support if you need further assistance with adding a CNAME record.

Note: When you set up a custom domain, your domain name will be shared with Zoho Creator.

Certificate Installation

SSL certificates help create a secure connection between a web server and a user’s web browser. Having an SSL certificate installed for your custom domain will prevent access errors for your customers.

As soon as your domain name is verified, we’ll start installing a multi-domain SSL certificate for your custom domain. This usually takes around 3-5 business days. Once this is done, you can access Zoho Invoice with your custom domain name. You’ll be notified by email when the SSL certificate has been installed.

Disabling Your Custom Domain

You can choose to disable your custom domain temporarily. This can be done with ease:

Now, your custom domain will be disabled instantly and your customers will have to access their customer portal from the default domain, which is Any links sent from the custom domain will be redirected to the default Zoho Invoice domain.

Note: A disabled custom domain can be reverted easily by clicking the Re-enable button.

Deleting and Changing Your Custom Domain

You can delete your custom domain mapping from Zoho Invoice if you want to switch back to the default Zoho Invoice domain permanently. Deleting your custom domain mapping is also necessary if you want to map the Customer Portal with a different domain name and start the domain mapping process again for the new domain.


To delete your custom domain mapping:

Now, your custom domain mapping will be deleted permanently.

Warning: Your customers will no longer be able to access the Customer Portal with your custom domain name and will have to use the default Zoho Invoice domain, which is Any transaction links sent from the custom domain will not work and will not be redirected either.

Once you’ve deleted your custom domain, you can start the mapping process again and associate it with a different domain name, if you wish to do so.

Pro Tip: If you’re not able to access Zoho Invoice using your custom domain, you can use this link to launch the app. Read More

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