Taxes are collected by the government to manage state expenses. A company and an individual must pay multiple taxes and disclose the income details.
Allowed Values: tax and compound_tax
, cess
.Type of Tax for Mexico Edition. Allowed Values :
, iva
, ieps
.Create a tax
Create a tax which can be associated with an item.
OAuth Scope : ZohoInventory.settings.CREATE
Allowed Values: tax and compound_tax
, cess
.Type of Tax for Mexico Edition. Allowed Values :
, iva
, ieps
.List taxes
List of simple and compound taxes with pagination.
OAuth Scope : ZohoInventory.settings.READ
Update a tax
Update the details of a simple or compound tax.
OAuth Scope : ZohoInventory.settings.UPDATE
Allowed Values: tax and compound_tax
, cess
.Type of Tax for Mexico Edition. Allowed Values :
, iva
, ieps
.Get a tax
Get the details of a simple or compound tax.
OAuth Scope : ZohoInventory.settings.READ
Delete a tax
Delete a simple or compound tax.
OAuth Scope : ZohoInventory.settings.DELETE
Update a tax group
Update the details of the tax group.
OAuth Scope : ZohoInventory.settings.UPDATE
Get a tax group
Get the details of a tax group.
OAuth Scope : ZohoInventory.settings.READ
Delete a tax group
Delete a tax group. Tax group that is associated to transactions cannot be deleted.
OAuth Scope : ZohoInventory.settings.DELETE
Create a tax group
Create a tax group associating multiple taxes.
OAuth Scope : ZohoInventory.settings.CREATE
Create a tax authority [US and CA Edition only]
Create a tax authority.
OAuth Scope : ZohoInventory.settings.CREATE
List tax authorities [US Edition only]
List of tax authorities.
OAuth Scope : ZohoInventory.settings.READ
Update a tax authority [US and CA Edition only]
Update the details of a tax authority.
OAuth Scope : ZohoInventory.settings.UPDATE
Get a tax authority [US and CA Edition only]
Get the details of a tax authority.
OAuth Scope : ZohoInventory.settings.READ
Delete a tax authority [US and CA Edition only]
Delete a tax authority.
OAuth Scope : ZohoInventory.settings.DELETE
Create a tax exemption [US Edition only]
Create a tax exemption.
OAuth Scope : ZohoInventory.settings.CREATE
or item
.List tax exemptions [US Edition only]
List of tax exemptions.
OAuth Scope : ZohoInventory.settings.READ
Update a tax exemption [US Edition only]
Update the details of a tax exemption.
OAuth Scope : ZohoInventory.settings.UPDATE
or item
.Get a tax exemption [US Edition only]
Get the details of a tax exemption.
OAuth Scope : ZohoInventory.settings.READ
Delete a tax exemption [US Edition only]
Delete a tax exemption.
OAuth Scope : ZohoInventory.settings.DELETE