
How can I include a QR code containing my UPI details on invoices?

You can add your UPI details, which will be displayed as a QR code on invoices. Here’s how:

  • Go to Settings on the top right corner of the page.
  • Select Invoices under Sales.
  • In the General tab, slide the toggle next to Invoice QR code to Enabled.
Invoice QR Code
  • Select the QR Code Type as UPI ID.
QR Code Type
  • Specify your UPI details under Enter UPI ID.
  • Provide a description for the QR code in the description field.
  • Click Save.

Now, to include QR codes in the invoice PDF:

  • Go to Settings on the top right corner of the page.
  • Select PDF Templates under Customization.
  • In the Templates pane, select Invoices.
  • Click Edit on the template you wish to include the QR code.
  • Go to the Other Details of the template.
  • Check the Show Invoice QR Code option.
Show Invoice QR Code
  • Click Save.

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