
I’m unable to import an item as it states that the tax does not exist. What should I do?

An error is thrown when:

  • Tax is not available in Zoho Books.
  • An incorrect value is specified for Tax Type.
  • Tax columns are unmapped.

When tax is not available in Zoho Books:

If the tax mentioned in the import file does not exist in Zoho Books, an error occurs. To confirm if the tax exists:

  • Go to Settings at the top right corner.
  • Navigate to the Taxes & Compliance section and select Taxes.
  • Click Tax Rate.
  • On this page, you can check if taxes have been created.

When an incorrect value is specified for Tax Type:

If you have provided an incorrect value for the Tax Type column, then the import would not be processed. To rectify this, verify the value specified for Tax Type. The possible values for the Item Tax Type column are as follows:

  1. For intrastate (GST), use Group.
  2. If the tax is interstate (IGST), use Simple.

When an incorrect value is specified for Tax Type:

Double-check if you have correctly mapped the tax-related fields, such as Item Tax Type, Item Tax % and Item Tax in the Map field section during Import.

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