
How do I generate the token used in the Zoho Books - ICICI Bank integration?

Note: This integration is currently available only upon request. If you’d like to use it, contact icici-support@zohofinance.com. However, organisations that have already set up the integration can perform this action.

ICICI Bank has introduced Tokens, a unique 4-8 digit number to initiate payments securely through it’s connected banking services.

Here’s how you can generate a token and use it to make payments in Zoho Books:

  • Login to your ICICI Corporate Internet Banking Portal.

  • Go to the Connected Banking module in the left sidebar.

  • Click the Generate Token option under My Connected Banking Profile section.

    Connected Banking > My Connected Banking Profile
  • Navigate to the Aggregator Name labelled as ZOHOIN/ZOHOSPL.

    Aggregator Name
  • In the Actions dropdown, click Token Generation.

    Select Token Generation
  • In the next page, enter the OTP you received on your registered phone number.


    Enter OTP

A new token for your account will be generated automatically.

Token Generation Confirmation

Enter this token in Zoho Books while initiating payments through your ICICI Bank account.

Note: Your ICICI Bank token expires every 7 days. Follow the steps mentioned above to generate a new token in the CIB portal and enter it while initiating payments through your ICICI Bank account in Zoho Books.

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