What are the valid codes for states and union territories?

The GSTIN is a unique 15-digit number provided to a taxpayer registered under the GST. The first two digits of the GSTIN represents the state code. Here’s the list of the valid GST State Codes and their Tax Identification Numbers(TIN):

State TIN State Code
Andhra Pradesh 37 AD
Arunachal Pradesh 12 AR
Assam 18 AS
Bihar 10 BR
Chattisgarh 22 CG
Delhi 07 DL
Goa 30 GA
Gujarat 24 GJ
Haryana 06 HR
Himachal Pradesh 02 HP
Jammu and Kashmir 01 JK
Jharkhand 20 JH
Karnataka 29 KA
Kerala 32 KL
Lakshadweep Islands 31 LD
Madhya Pradesh 23 MP
Maharashtra 27 MH
Manipur 14 MN
Meghalaya 17 ML
Mizoram 15 MZ
Nagaland 13 NL
Odisha 21 OD
Pondicherry 34 PY
Punjab 03 PB
Rajasthan 08 RJ
Sikkim 11 SK
Tamil Nadu 33 TN
Telangana 36 TS
Tripura 16 TR
Uttar Pradesh 09 UP
Uttarakhand 05 UK
West Bengal 19 WB
Union Territory TIN State Code
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 35 AN
Chandigarh 04 CH
Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu 26 DNHDD
Ladakh 38 LA
Other Territory 97 OT
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