
When entering the ARN for DRC-01B Part B or DRC-01B Part B I’m getting the error “Please provide valid ARN of DRC-03”. What should I do?

If you get this error, check the following:

  • Ensure that the ARN is valid and that it corresponds to the DRC-03 and GSTIN for which you received the DRC-01B Part A notification.
  • Verify that the cause of payment specified in DRC-03 is Liability mismatch - GSTR-1 to GSTR-3B.
  • Ensure that DRC-03 has been filed on or after the date on which you received the DRC-01B Part A notification was issued.
  • Ensure that the overall tax period aligns with the period for which of the DRC-01B Part A notification was issued.
    • If you file your GSTR-3B return every month, ensure that the from and to dates match the period.
    • If you file your GSTR-3B return every quarter, ensure that the period covers at least one month within the quarter.

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