
How do I download the Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF) report in Zoho Books?

To download the Invoice Furnishing Facility report in Zoho Books:

  • Go to the Reports module in the left sidebar**.**
  • Select Invoice Furnishing Facility(IFF) under Taxes.
  • On the Invoice Furnishing Facility(IFF) page:
  • Select the period filter in the top left corner and select the period for which you want to download the report.
  • Click Export As in the top right corner and select JSON from the dropdown.
Click JSON from the Export As dropdown
  • In the pop-up that appears, select the location where you want to download the JSON file and click Save.

The IFF report will be downloaded as a JSON file in the location that you select. You can use the downloaded JSON file to file the IFF report in the GST portal.

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