
Do I need to cancel the e-Way Bill if the vehicle breaks down?

There is no need to cancel the e-Way Bill if the vehicle breaks down. The transporter can repair the vehicle and continue the journey with the same e-Way Bill.

If the vehicle needs to be changed, the transporter must update the new vehicle details in Part B of the e-Way Bill on the e-Way Bill portal using the Update Vehicle Number option. The e-Way Bill remains valid after updating the new vehicle details, as long as it is within the original validity period.

Insight: Unexpected circumstances, such as natural disasters or accidents, can sometimes delay transportation beyond the e-Way Bill validity period. To address these situations, the e-Way Bill portal offers an option to extend the validity of e-Way bills.

Here’s how you can extend the validity of e-Way bills in Zoho Books:

  • Go to the e-Way Bills module on the left sidebar.
  • Select the status filter as Generated. Locate the e-Way Bill that needs its validity extended.
  • Click the Extend e-Way Bill button.
  • In the Extend Validity page, enter the Consignment Type, Vehicle Number, Current Place, Current Pincode, Current State, Approximate Distance, Extend Reason, and other required details.
  • Once the details are submitted, the new expiry time will be calculated, and these details will be updated in Zoho Books.

Notes: The option is available for Generated and Expired e-Way bills, as the validity of the EWB can be extended before 8 hours and after 8 hours of expiry of the validity.

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