
While generating my e-way bill, it says the TRANSIN or Transporter ID should match the regular expression. What should I do?

The Transporter ID should be a maximum of 15 characters in length. The first two characters should be numbers between 0-9, and the remaining 13 characters should be alphabets (A-Z).

Insight: TRANSIN or Transporter ID is a 15-digit unique number generated by the EWB system for transporters who have not registered under GST. A Transporter ID acts similarly to a GSTIN, and once a transporter enrolls on the e-way bill portal, the GST portal provides a Transporter ID for the transporter.

Here’s how you verify your details:

  • Scroll down to the Transporter Details section while generating e-way bills.
  • Click the drop-down next to the Transporter field and click Manage Transporters.
Click Manage Transporters
  • Verify the details entered.
  • If you wish to add new transporter details, click +Add New Transporter.

Learn more about validating your transporter ID.

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