
I have generated and canceled the e-Way Bill manually in the portal. When I try to cancel the e-invoice, I’m prompted to cancel the e-Way Bill. What should I do?

If you cancel an e-way bill on the e-way bill website, it will not be cancelled automatically in Zoho Books. You are supposed to update its status manually in Zoho Books.

Insight: If an e-way bill number is manually associated with an invoice, it will be available in the generated filter of e-Way Bills module. The status of the e-Way Bill can be synced from the e-Way Bill portal to Zoho Books using the Fetch From Portal option.

Here’s how, you can cancel the e-Way Bill:

  • Go to the e-Way Bills module on the left sidebar.
  • Select the status filter as Generated.
  • Click Actions next to the e-way bill that you cancelled on the e-way bill website and select Fetch From Portal from the drop-down.
Fetch from Portal
  • Once the fetch is successful, the e-way bill’s status will be updated to Cancelled.

Now, try cancelling the e-invoice.

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