
When I push an e-invoice to the IRP, I’m getting an error message stating that I have to provide details of the customer’s Shipping Address. What should I do?

Shipping Address is not a mandatory field for an e-invoice. However, if you’ve filled details in any of the fields under shipping address like Country, Street 1, etc., you will have to fill in details for all the fields under the shipping address. Here’s how:

  • Go to the Sales module on the left sidebar and select Customers.
  • Select the customer whose shipping address you want to edit.
  • Click Edit on the top right corner of the customer’s Details page.
  • On the Edit Customer page, switch to the Address tab.
  • Enter the complete shipping address of your customer, filling in all the required fields.
  • Click Save.

Next, go to the e-invoice and push it again.

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