Can I integrate Zoho Inventory with Zoho Invoice to use the Time Tracking module?

You cannot integrate Zoho Invoice from your Zoho Inventory organization, but you can do the opposite; integrate your Zoho Invoice organization with Zoho Inventory.

Prerequisite: To integrate one of your Zoho Inventory organizations from Zoho Invoice, the base currency in both your Zoho Invoice and Zoho Inventory organizations must be the same.

  • To set up Zoho Inventory integration:
  • Go to Settings > Integrations > Zoho Apps.
  • Scroll down to find Zoho Inventory and click Try Now next to it.
  • Click Join your existing organizations and select your existing organization in Zoho Inventory.
  • Click Join.

With this, your existing Zoho Inventory organization will be integrated with Zoho Invoice, allowing you to sync data between the two apps.

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