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Zoho Projects Integration

If you are looking to automate the creation of tasks in your Zoho Projects account and save the time spent on the manual task creation, you can use the Zoho Forms - Zoho Projects integration. With this integration, a new task will be automatically created in your project with each form entry. Tasks can be assigned with due dates, task owners, priority, and more.

Integration Setup  

To integrate your form with Zoho Projects,

  1. Navigate to the Integrations tab and click Zoho Projects from the left menu.

  2. Click Integrate.

  3. Select the Portal Name and the Project Name.

  4. Select the Task List under which you want to add the Tasks in Zoho Projects.
    NotesNote: If you do not select a Task List, all the new tasks created with this integration will be added under Tasks > General in Zoho Projects.

  5. Map the Zoho Projects fields with the corresponding Zoho Forms fields.You can map certain Zoho Projects fields to manual inputs by selecting the Add Input Manually option.

  6. To map more fields, click + Add Fields.

  7. To push the form attachments to Zoho Projects, select Yes under Attachments and choose the required File Upload and Image Upload fields in your form. The files and images uploaded to the chosen fields will be pushed to the Documents section of a task.
  8. Click Integrate to save your settings.

    Zoho Projects Integration setup


Note: When a respondent's input does not match the Zoho Projects' input parameters, task creation will fail even on successful form submission. This can be checked under All Entries > Zoho Projects Status.

Supported Field Types

The following Zoho Forms fields can be mapped to the respective fields in Zoho Projects. 

S. No Zoho Projects Field Supported Zoho Forms Fields
1 Single Line Single Line, Multi Line, Name, Address, Phone, Email, Date, Time, Date-Time, Website, Unique ID, Radio, Multiple Choice, Checkbox, Number, Decimal, Currency, Slider, Rating, Formula, Dropdown, Image Choices, Terms and Conditions
2 Multi Line Single Line, Multi Line, Name, Address, Phone, Email, Date, Time, Date-Time, Website, Unique ID, Radio, Multiple Choice, Checkbox, Number, Decimal, Currency, Slider, Rating, Formula, Dropdown, Image Choices, Terms and Conditions
3 Email Email
4 Phone Phone
5 Pick List Dropdown, Radio
6 User Pick List -None-
(Manual input required)
7 Date Date
8 Date & Time -None-
9 Decimal Decimal, Number, Formula, Currency
10 Formula -None-
11 Number Number
12 URL Website
13 Task Name Single Line, Multi Line, Name, Address, Phone, Email, Date, Time, Date-Time, Website, Unique ID, Radio, Multiple Choice, Checkbox, Number, Decimal, Currency, Slider, Rating, Formula, Dropdown, Image Choices, Terms and Conditions
14 Task Owners -None-
(Manual input required. Only the users associated with a project can be selected.)
15 Duration Number, Rating, Slider
16 Start Date Date
17 End Date Date
18 Priority Dropdown, Radio
19 Percentage Decimal, Number, Formula, Currency
20 Checkbox Decision Box
21 Currency Decimal, Number, Formula, Currency
22 Recurrence -None-
23 Reminder -None-
24 Description Single Line, Multi Line, Name, Address, Phone, Email, Date, Time, Date-Time, Website, Unique ID, Radio, Multiple Choice, Checkbox, Number, Decimal, Currency, Slider, Rating, Formula, Dropdown, Image Choices, Terms and Conditions
Multi Select
 Multiple Choice, Checkbox

Add Input Manually while mapping fields

While mapping Zoho Projects fields with the corresponding Zoho Forms fields, you can choose to add inputs manually for the following Zoho Projects fields.

Task Name
You can either map Task Name to the corresponding Zoho Forms field or enter a Task name of your choice by selecting Add Input Manually optionYou can merge form responses with your input by clicking the   icon in the pop-up.

Task Name

Task Owners
Click Select users from the list. A list of all the users associated with your project will be displayed. You can select multiple users as Task Owners. Additionally, you can choose the Added User option to assign the respondent as the task owner during form submission dynamically.

Task Owners

User Picklist
Select a user from the list. You can also choose the Added User option to assign the respondent as the user dynamically.


NoteThe Added User option, for dynamically assigning task owners/user picklist, is intended solely for private forms. In the case of public forms, the respective column in projects will remain unassigned.


Task Description
Click Add Description and enter the description in the pop-up. You can merge form responses with the description by clicking the  icon.

Task Description

You can either map Duration with a corresponding form field or enter an input of your choice by selecting Add Input Manually option. You can choose the duration to be either in hours or days. If you choose hours, you can provide an input in the HH: MM format as well.
Example: 12:30, where 12 denotes the number of hours and 30 denotes the number of minutes.


Date-based field
You can either map a Date-based field to a corresponding form field or pick a date from the calendar by selecting Add Input Manually option.

Date-based field

Set Alert on Integration Failure

Once your integration settings are saved, you can choose to receive an email alert if the integration fails.
To do so,

  1. Click Set Alert in the top-right corner.

  2. Configure the email alert template and click Save.

    Set Alert on Integration Failure

  3. To stop receiving email alerts on integration failure, click Remove Alert.



  • The option to set an email alert on integration failure is available only in our paid plans.

  • You can send email alerts to a maximum of 5 users within your organization.

  • An email alert will be triggered only on the first occurrence of integration failure every 24 hours.

Updated: 19 days ago
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How do I create a Zoho Form that can detect who is looking at it and then when submitted update a task in the associated Zoho Project?