What is Earth Day?

One of the biggest environmentalist events on the planet, Earth Day is an annual celebration that celebrates the Earth and acknowledges our need to protect its natural resources for future generations. The first Earth Day took place in 1970 and is celebrated each year on April 22, when around one billion individuals across more than 190 countries take action to raise awareness about the global climate crisis and strive to bring about actionable changes to protect the environment. In 2020, Earth Day celebrated its 50th anniversary.

How does Zoho Forms contribute to a more Sustainable planet?

One of the leading contributors to climate change is the use of paper. The global consumption of paper and paperboard totaled 417 million tons in 2021. To put that into perspective, that's the equivalent of around 756 and a half Burj Khalifas.

These consumption rates are projected to continue rising over the coming decade to reach 476 million tons by 2032. That means more loss of forest cover and wildlife habitats, more extensive use of water resources, and the replacement of indigenous and native plant life with monoculture tree farming for the production of pulp and paper.

One of the small ways in which Zoho Forms helps decrease paper consumption is through our efficient, free online forms . By replacing paper forms, we help many businesses move towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly work model.

Zoho Forms for Earth Day

Giving the copy machine a rest

  • An average document is copied nearly 10 times in most offices.
  • The average office worker uses 10,000 sheets of copy paper each year.
  • 45% of paper printed in offices ends up in the trash.
  • Corporations spend more than $120 billion a year on printed forms, most of which become outdated within three months.

Not only is this a terrible waste of time, resources, and money, but it also reflects poorly on businesses. Instead, they can copy and share Zoho Forms's online forms efficiently, resulting in zero paper waste. Easily duplicate your forms and share them with any number of people in your organization. Share your forms using barcodes or QR codes so that respondents and clients can easily access forms on their mobile devices, fill them out, and submit them—even at live events and expos.

No fear of losing information

Online forms also eliminate the problem of impermanence. While you can always lose paper forms to natural disasters or human error, your digital forms and data are always safe in the cloud. Zoho Forms enables you to share form responses as PDFs so respondents can save permanent copies. With the help of our online PDF editor and Document Merge options, you can design important documents such as invoices, receipts, tickets, and more, and share them when respondents successfully submit forms.

All of this helps reduce costs associated with producing forms, outsourcing printers, shipping them, and other unaccounted resources. As a bonus, you're also free from worrying about the logistics of where to store your growing mountain of paper forms. We count that as a definite win!

Zoho Forms for Earth Day - No fear of losing information

Customizable templates for Earth Day activities!

Have a look at some of our creative form templates, which you can further customize for all your Earth Day activities and invitations! Create a donation form, plan a volunteer beach cleanup event, create an online petition form for an environmental cause, send out invitations to Earth Day sapling planting parties, and much more.

SOURCES: https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/earth-day/ ; https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/04/earth-day-climate-change-global-action-protest-movement/ ; https://youtu.be/PL31i1cu22U?si=WTpmaov8GY_N5WvI (American Museum of National History) ;https://www.earthday.org/history/ ; https://www.statisticbrain.com/paper-use-statistics/ ; https://www.recordnations.com/blog/how-much-paper-is-used-in-one-day/ ; https://www.statista.com/statistics/1089078/demand-paper-globally-until-2030/ ; https://www.statista.com/topics/1701/paper-industry/#topicOverview ;https://www.thebrainyinsights.com/report/paper-products-market-12487 ; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330524458_The_economics_of_paper_consumption_in_offices

Invest in our planet, invest in our future.

Zoho Forms celebrates Earth day by reducing paper consumption in offices and workspaces with the help of free, customizable, easy to use, online forms! Learn more about Zoho Forms' efforts towards creating a sustainable future.

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