Sales and Marketing work better together

Zoho CRM helps your marketing teams efficiently run campaigns and pass on quality leads to Sales. Get the best ROI from every campaign you create using Zoho CRM's marketing automation tools.

  • Customer Segmentation
  • Lead Nurturing
  • Webforms
  • Card Scanner
  • Marketing Attribution
  • Google Ad Campaigns
  • Event Management
  • Email Campaigns
  • Survey Campaigns
  • Sub-Campaigns
  • Marketing Analysis
Customer Segmentation

Divide and conquer with targeted marketing

Every customer has different needs, so you'll need a unique approach when selling. Zoho CRM lets you segment customers based on their region, requirements, lead source, and even their level of responsiveness towards you. With segmentation, you can send campaigns that are tailor-made to fit your audience and assign sales reps with the right specializations for the job.

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Segment your leads for targeted marketing
Lead Nurturing

Everything you need to convert leads to deals

Your leads are almost never ready to buy immediately—it’s up to a sales rep to build a lead’s interest so that they can make a purchase. You have to stick with your lead at every stage of their journey and provide the right information to nurture them towards making an informed decision. Zoho CRM makes sure you stay up-to-date with every lead interaction, and automates your sales process so you can build lasting relationships.

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Capture customer information from website promotions

Build web-to-lead forms for your landing pages using a simple drag-and-drop interface. Capture information about your visitors and push the information directly into Zoho CRM without writing a single line of code. 

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Collect leads from your website promotions
Card Scanner

Never lose a business card again

The Leads app lets you scan business cards with your smartphone and automatically import them into CRM. Before a lead even leaves your booth, you can send them an automated email thanking them for their time.

Collect lead information from business cards
Marketing Attribution

Measure the real ROI of your campaigns

As a business, you run different campaigns for your prospects at different points in their journey. When you invest a lot of time, money, and effort in these campaigns, it's important to know what works and what doesn't work with your prospects. Zoho CRM's marketing attribution helps you measure ROI and understand which campaigns are most effective in pushing prospects towards making purchasing decisions.

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Measure the effectiveness of campaigns 
Google Ad Campaigns

Measure the performance of your digital campaigns

Zoho CRM combines your Google Ad spending with your sales data so you can figure out which campaigns, ads, or keywords are helping you convert leads into customers. Spend your dollars where they count and get a better return on your investment by targeting advertisements toward your most profitable campaigns. CRM even marks which particular Google Ad or keyword brought in each lead.

Learn more
Manage Google Ads inside CRM
Event Management

Complete event-to-sale process

Zoho CRM gives you the power to manage your events and translate event results into sales. You can contact attendees with invitations and follow-ups, and perform sales activities, such as organizing a meeting, all within CRM. All your interactions are automatically saved so you can keep a clear timeline of your communications. You can also measure the success of different events against each other with analytics by comparing how many attendees turned into customers.

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Create and manage events

Start selling smarter, better and faster

hub plans
Email Campaigns

Keep leads engaged from your first contact

Keep leads engaged from your first contact, with emails. Save email templates and send them out to invite prospects to visit your trade show booths. You can schedule reminder emails before the event and follow-up emails for after. Zoho CRM comes with email analytics that keep track of email open rates, clicks, and bounces to know how interested your new leads are. 

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Send email campaigns
Survey Campaigns

Send out targeted survey campaigns

We've brought your survey interface inside Zoho CRM, powered by Zoho Surveys. Create and send out objective surveys while also keeping an eye on how each of them is performing. When your prospects respond to a survey, add them as leads and associate follow-up actions that are timely, as well as effective. 

Send surveys using Zoho CRM

Associate multiple campaigns together

There are multiple campaigns behind a deal's closure and it's crucial to have visibility on each of them. Hierarchies in Zoho CRM help you do just that. Associate sub-campaigns to your main campaigns and see how each is performing. Send out a survey campaign to your trade show leads and schedule a webinar invite only to people who filled it out. Follow up contextually and track the campaign journey of your deals.

Create and associate sub-campaigns
Marketing Analysis

Improve the ROI from your campaigns

Whether you’re exhibiting at a trade show or hosting a customer conference, you’ll want a platform to plan ahead and keep your team organized. Set budgets, assign ownership of tasks, and measure the success of your campaigns—all from Zoho CRM. 

Measure the effectiveness of campaigns

Integrate with your favourite products

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Carlos Perez

The CRM toolset now forms the backbone of our Financial Services and Concierge operations. It is difficult to picture our world now without this toolset.

Hannes BuhrmannChief Product Officer, Strike

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  • Customer Segmentation
  • Lead nurturing
  • Webforms
  • Card Scanner
  • Marketing Attribution
  • Google Ad Campaigns
  • Event Management
  • Email Campaigns
  • Survey Campaigns
  • Sub-Campaigns
  • Marketing analysis