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Intelligente Buchführung für wachsende Unternehmen
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Cruise Planners is a travel franchise company with a network of more than 1,500 franchise owners. Their home office team assists franchisees by providing marketing materials, cutting-edge technology, and business development support to help them succeed in the travel world.
Cruise Planners used to manage expenses manually, with original receipts which was needed to be approved by each team manager via email. Not only was this approach difficult and time-consuming to manage, it was also inefficient to process an expense.
The convenience of the mobile app and automated expense recording made it easier and faster for the team members to submit expenses. Team members responsible for approving expenses could easily access and review expense reports from almost anywhere.
As the team members submit their receipts from their phones, the number of missing receipts has been declined significantly for Cruise Planners. The workload has been reduced for every participant in the expense reporting process.
Cruise Planners was founded by former travel agent (and current CEO) Michelle Fee, along with two other travel industry veterans. Their goal: to share their knowledge and strengthen the power of travel agents in an ever-changing industry. Cruise Planners is a travel franchise company with a network of more than 1,500 franchise owners. Their home office team assists franchisees by providing marketing materials, cutting-edge technology, and business development support to help them succeed in the travel world. Each franchisee is a full-service travel advisor, offering clients customized land and cruise vacations to destinations across the globe.
"We used to manage expenses manually, with original receipts that needed to be approved by each team manager via email. Not only was this approach difficult and time-consuming to manage, it was also inefficient to process an expense," said Matt Kruszewski, Director of Finance at Cruise Planners.
Matt and his team searched the market for a good expense reporting tool. "Between the available features and competitive price point, we concluded that Zoho Expense offered the best value for our company."
Cruise Planners started using Zoho Expense in 2015 and has now been using it for more than a year. "We love that our team can access Zoho Expense via the mobile app – we are in the travel industry and our team is always on the go, so this is a great way to make sure our team can quickly and easily submit expenses," added Matt.
He also added, "Now that team members can submit their receipts from their phones, the number of missing receipts has declined significantly for Cruise Planners. The workload has been reduced for every participant in the expense reporting process."
"The convenience of the app and automated expense recording has made it easier and faster for team members to submit expenses. Team members responsible for approving expenses can easily access and review expense reports from almost anywhere. For the finance team, the new tool has improved the overall managing of the expense reporting process," said Matt.
Cruise Planners is now doing expense reports the easy way. You can do it too!