
    getRecords-Methode – Vergleich


    Detailangaben zu einem Datensatz erhalten.


    Version 1.0:

    Version 2.0:


    Methode: GET

    Header: Authorization=Zoho-oauthtoken {oauth_token}


    Version 1.0Version 2.0
    authtoken=****Authorization=Zoho-oauthtoken ***** - als Header.
    scope=crmapiK. A.
    selectColumns==Leads(First Name,Last Name,Email,Company,Campaign Source)fields=First_Name,Last_Name,Email,Company
    First_Name,Last_Name,Email,Company are field API names
    sortColumnString=Last Namesort_by=Last_Name
    lastModifiedTime=2010-04-21 11:09:23If-Modified-Since=2010-04-21T11:09:23+05:30 (Format ISO 8601 für Datum und Uhrzeit) - als Kopfzeile.
    newFormatK. A.
    VersionK. A.


    • Jede Zeile () in Version 1.0 der API ist äquivalent zum jeweiligen JSONObject in der Antwort von Version 2.0 der API


    Antwort in Version 1.0Antwort in Version 2.0
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <response uri="/crm/private/xml/Leads/getRecords">
    <row no="1">
    <FL val="LEADID">1386586000002576001</FL>
    <FL val="SMOWNERID">1386586000000078001</FL>
    <FL val="Lead Owner"><![CDATA[Bruce Wills]]></FL>
    <FL val="Last Name"><![CDATA[WorkFlow_test]]></FL>
    <FL val="No of Employees"><![CDATA[0]]></FL>
    <FL val="Annual Revenue"><![CDATA[0]]></FL>
    <FL val="SMCREATORID">1386586000000078001</FL>
    <FL val="Created By"><![CDATA[Bruce Wills]]></FL>
    <FL val="MODIFIEDBY">1386586000000078001</FL>
    <FL val="Modified By"><![CDATA[Bruce Wills]]></FL>
    <FL val="Created Time"><![CDATA[2018-03-27 14:51:19]]></FL>
    <FL val="Modified Time"><![CDATA[2018-03-27 14:51:19]]></FL>
    <FL val="Full Name"><![CDATA[WorkFlow_test]]></FL>
    <FL val="Country"><![CDATA[India]]></FL>
    <FL val="Email Opt Out"><![CDATA[false]]></FL>
    <FL val="Currency"><![CDATA[INR]]></FL>
    <FL val="Exchange Rate"><![CDATA[1.000000000]]></FL>
    <FL val="Last Activity Time"><![CDATA[2018-03-27 14:51:19]]></FL>
    <FL val="Score"><![CDATA[0]]></FL>
    <FL val="Positive Score"><![CDATA[0]]></FL>
    <FL val="Negative Score"><![CDATA[0]]></FL>
    <FL val="Checkbox 1"><![CDATA[false]]></FL>
    <FL val="Auto-Number 1"><![CDATA[LEAD53N]]></FL>
    <FL val="Formula 1"><![CDATA[0]]></FL>
    <FL val="Positive Touch Point Score"><![CDATA[0]]></FL>
    <FL val="Touch Point Score"><![CDATA[0]]></FL>
    <FL val="Negative Touch Point Score"><![CDATA[0]]></FL>
     "data": [
       "Owner": {
        "name": "Bruce Wills",
        "id": "1386586000000078001"
       "Company": null,
       "Email": null,
       "$currency_symbol": "₹",
       "Single_Line_2": null,
       "Visitor_Score": null,
       "Total_Quantity": null,
       "Last_Activity_Time": "2018-03-27T14:51:19+05:30",
       "Industry": null,
       "$converted": false,
       "$process_flow": false,
       "URL_1": null,
       "Exchange_Rate": 1,
       "Date_1": null,
       "Currency": "INR",
       "Street": null,
       "Zip_Code": null,
       "id": "1386586000002576001",
       "$approved": true,
       "Grand_Total": null,
       "$approval": {
       "delegate": false,
       "approve": false,
       "reject": false,
       "resubmit": false
       "Days_Visited": null,
       "First_Visited_URL": null,
       "Negative_Touch_Point_Score": 0,
       "Created_Time": "2018-03-27T14:51:19+05:30",
       "$followed": false,
       "$editable": true,
       "City": null,
       "No_of_Employees": 0,
       "Positive_Touch_Point_Score": 0,
       "Number_1": null,
       "Score": 0,
       "Negative_Score": 0,
       "State": null,
       "Email_1": null,
       "Country": "India",
       "Phone_1": null,
       "Last_Visited_Time": null,
       "Multi_Select_1": [],
       "Created_By": {
       "name": "Bruce Wills",
       "id": "1386586000000078001"
       "Annual_Revenue": 0,
       "Secondary_Email": null,
       "Checkbox_1": false,
       "Currency_1": null,
       "Touch_Point_Score": 0,
       "Positive_Score": 0,
       "Description": null,
       "Decimal_1": null,
       "Multi_Line_1": null,
       "Number_Of_Chats": null,
       "Rating": null,
       "Website": null,
       "Twitter": null,
       "Average_Time_Spent_Minutes": null,
       "Salutation": null,
       "First_Name": null,
       "Full_Name": "WorkFlow_test",
       "Lead_Status": null,
       "Modified_By": {
       "name": "Bruce Wills",
       "id": "1386586000000078001"
       "Skype_ID": null,
       "Phone": null,
       "Email_Opt_Out": false,
       "Date_Time_1": null,
       "Long_Integer_1": null,
       "Designation": null,
       "Modified_Time": "2018-03-27T14:51:19+05:30",
       "Percent_1": null,
       "$converted_detail": {},
       "Mobile": null,
       "First_Visited_Time": null,
       "Last_Name": "WorkFlow_test",
       "Layout": {
       "name": "Standard",
       "id": "1386586000000343003"
       "Auto_Number_1": "LEAD53N",
       "Referrer": null,
       "Lead_Source": null,
       "Formula_1": 0,
       "Tag": [],
       "Fax": null

    Antwort des Moduls "Inventory"

    Version 1.0Version 2.0
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <response uri="/crm/private/xml/Invoices/getRecords">
    <row no="1">
    <FL val="ACCOUNTID">1386586000002307022</FL>
    <FL val="Account Name"><![CDATA[MSIT]]></FL>
    <FL val="Tax"><![CDATA[2.23]]></FL>
    <FL val="Adjustment"><![CDATA[0]]></FL>
    <FL val="Grand Total"><![CDATA[46.89]]></FL>
    <FL val="Product Details">>
    <product no="1">
    <FL val="Product Id">1386586000000097001</FL>
    <FL val="Product Name"><![CDATA[C Programming]]></FL>
    <FL val="Unit Price">22.0</FL>
    <FL val="Quantity">2.0</FL>
    <FL val="Quantity in Stock">898.0</FL>
    <FL val="Total">44.00</FL>
    <FL val="Discount">0.00</FL>
    <FL val="Total After Discount">44.0</FL>
    <FL val="List Price">22.00</FL>
    <FL val="Net Total">44.66</FL>
    <FL val="Tax">0.66</FL>
    <FL val="Line Tax">Sales Tax===1:::0.44;;; Vat ===0.5:::0.22;;;</FL>
    <FL val="Discount"><![CDATA[0]]></FL>
    <FL val="Currency"><![CDATA[INR]]></FL>
    <FL val="Exchange Rate"><![CDATA[1.000000000]]></FL>
     "data": [
       "Owner": {
        "name": "Bruce Wills",
        "id": "1386586000000078001"
       "Discount": 0,
       "Tax": 2.23,
       "Account_Name": {
       "name": "MSIT",
       "id": "1386586000002307022"
       "id": "1386586000002581073",
       "Grand_Total": 46.89,
       "Product_Details": [
       "product": {
       "Product_Code": "C",
       "Currency": "INR",
       "name": "C Programming",
       "id": "1386586000000097001"
       "quantity": 2,
       "Discount": 0,
       "total_after_discount": 44,
       "net_total": 44.66,
       "book": null,
       "Tax": 0.66,
       "list_price": 22,
       "unit_price": 22,
       "quantity_in_stock": 898,
       "total": 44,
       "id": "1386586000002581075",
       "product_description": null,
       "line_tax": [
       "percentage": 1,
       "name": "Sales Tax",
       "value": 0.44
       "percentage": 0,5,
       "name": "Vat",
       "value": 0.22
       "$line_tax": [
       "percentage": 2,
       "name": "Sales Tax",
       "value": 0.89
       "percentage": 3,
       "name": "Vat",
       "value": 1.34


    • <FL val="Product Details"> aus API-Version 1.0 ist der JSONArray "Product_Details" in API-Version 2.0.
    • Jede Produktzeile (<product no="1">) ist äquivalent zum jeweiligen JSONObject im JSON-Array Product_Details.
    • <FL val="Line Tax">Sales Tax ===1:::0.44;;; Vat ===0.5:::0.22;;;</FL> aus Version 1.0 ist in API-Version 2.0 der JSON-Array "line_tax".
    • <FL val="Tax"><![CDATA[2.23]]></FL> ist äquivalent zum JSONArray "$line_tax".
    • <FL val="ACCOUNTID">1386586000002307022</FL><FL val="Account Name"><![CDATA[MSIT]]></FL> aus API Version 1.0 ist äquivalent zu "Account_Name": {"name": "MSIT","id": "1386586000002307022"} in API-Version 2.0.

    Antwort des Moduls "Fälle"

    Version 1.0Version 2.0
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <response uri="/crm/private/xml/Invoices/getRecords">
    <row no="1">
    <FL val="CASEID">1386586000002581001</FL>
    <FL val="Subject"><![CDATA[test]]></FL>
    <FL val="No of comments"><![CDATA[2]]></FL>
    <FL val="Comments">
    <comment no="1">
    <FL val="Comment Content"><![CDATA[Super, alles wunderbar.x]]>
    <FL val="Commented By"><![CDATA[Bruce Wills]]></FL>
    <FL val="Commented Time">2018-03-28 10:02:04</FL>
    <comment no="2">
    <FL val="Comment Content"><![CDATA[richtig gute Sache]]>
    <FL val="Commented By"><![CDATA[Bruce Wills]]></FL>
    <FL val="Commented Time">2018-03-28 10:01:52</FL>
     "data": [
       "No_of_comments": 2,
       "id": "1386586000002581001"
       "Comments": [
         "commented_by": "Bruce Wills",
         "commented_time": "2018-03-28T10:01:52+05:30",
         "comment_content": "Super, alles wunderbar.x",
         "id": "1386586000002581008",
         "commented_by": "Bruce Wills",
         "commented_time": "2018-03-28T10:02:04+05:30",
         "comment_content": "richtig gute Sache",
         "id": "1386586000002581013"
       "Subject": "test",
       "Type": null,
       "Tag": [],
       "Created_By": {
        "name": "Bruce Wills",
        "id": "1386586000000078001"


    • <FL val="Comments"><comment no="1">....</comment></FL> aus API-Version 1.0 ist in API-Version 2.0 als JSONArray nach dem Muster "Comments": [{..},{..}] zu finden.

    Antwort des Moduls "Activities"

    Version 1.0Version 2.0
    <FL val="CONTACTID"><![CDATA[1386586000002379006]]></FL>
    <FL val="Contact Name"><![CDATA[con2]]></FL>
    <FL val="SEMODULE"><![CDATA[Accounts]]></FL>
    <FL val="RELATEDTOID"><![CDATA[1386586000001570009]]></FL>
    <FL val="Related To"><![CDATA[MSIT]]></FL>
    "Who_Id": {
        "name": "con2",
        "id": "1386586000002379006"
    "$se_module": "Accounts",
    "What_Id": {
        "name": "MSIT",
        "id": "1386586000001570009"


    • CONTACTID ist äquivalent zu id im JSONObject Who_Id.
    • Contact Name ist äquivalent zu name im JSONObject Who_Id.
    • SEMODULE ist äquivalent zu $se_Modul.
    • RELATEDTOID ist äquivalent zu id im JSONObject What_Id.
    • Related To ist äquivalent zu name im JSONObject What_Id.

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