Zia’s numeric 8 ball.
There’s no surefire way to know the exact outcome of a record. That’s why Zia learned probability. Zia scores your records as a percentage, calculated using win-behavior, the related sales activities, the responsiveness of the lead or prospect, and the time invested. As these scores change, you also understand which sales activity has an impact on your prediction score.

Filter in to focus.
Use Zia’s Deal View and Advanced Filters to sort out records with similar patterns, scores, or activity.

Zia shows what you're likely to win.
Based on Zia’s predictions, she creates a view that breaks up your deals into those which are likely to be won, lost, or those deals which could go either way. This Zia View shifts your focus to those records that need your urgent attention.

Know where the action is.
Not all records move at the same pace. A deal that has been pending for ages might be on the verge of closing. A lead that you thought was a sure thing might be left unattended. Zia defines these records as “trending up” or “trending down,” depending on whether they’re becoming more likely to win or lose. Use the Advanced Filters to zero in on these records.