
Hotel chain uses Zoho CRM to view comprehensive guest profiles

  • Process
  • Requirements
  • Solution
  • Result
  • What's Next?


Zylker Hotels Corporation (ZHC) operates a chain of luxury hotels and resorts. "We attract leisure and business travellers all year round because of our scenic locations and proximity to business centres," explains Mark, Hotel manager at ZHC.

"We cater to a broad spectrum of guests: some choose us for our facilities, some come here exclusively to dine, some are high-loyalty guests who stay for corporate events, while some guests reach out to us through our discount packages for budget stays," Mark explains. "We have a loyalty program offering additional privileges to our recurring business guests," he adds.

"Our Central Reservation System (CRS) database receives bookings through our website, partners, and third-party agencies. During the reservation process, we gather basic details required for the stay, and this data is stored in our CRS," Mark explains.


"Our hotel teams need ready access to up-to-date, detailed guest profiles. We want to track all the information we have on each of our guests in a single place, and we want this data to be displayed in categories so that our staff can find what they need quickly and access whatever is relevant to them.

We especially want to track our guests' lifetime spend with Zylker, since their loyalty score and membership benefits are calculated based on this," Mark said.

Zylker's requirement was for a custom-designed UI that's consistent with their brand, to help them profile and display guest data in a way that all their teams can easily view and interpret.


Features in use

Zoho configured a widget to combine the data from Zylker's central reservation system with data from their CRM to show categorized, contextual information on individual guests.

Guest 360, a guest profiling widget in Zoho CRM for hotel businesses.

The summary section displays the guest's arrival date and details of their last stay with Zylker. This is followed by a basic profile, which includes the guest's title, contact details, interests, and other personal information, like their spoken language, for quick reference and easy check-in at the front desk.

The RFM details (recency, frequency, and monetary value) include the number of times the guest has stayed at Zylker and their lifetime spend. The member tab displays the guest's membership type, loyalty program status, and privileges. These help the staff identify and prioritize high-value guests.

The activities tab lists the recreational events the guest was part of during their previous stays, like scuba diving, wine tasting, and more. The F&B tab shows the guest's culinary preferences and a list of all their orders catered to by the hotel kitchen. These tabs can help the concierge teams offer relevant recommendations and pitch additional services of value to the guests.

The campaigns history and website interaction tabs contain a record of all of the guest’s online interactions with Zylker including emails, social media posts, website sessions, and chats. The marketing team can leverage this data to target campaigns and optimize Zylker's online presence.

The ratings and comments collected from the guest's past stays are listed in the feedback tab. By keeping track of complaints and feedback, staff can ensure a better experience for guests during future stays.


With Zoho CRM's guest profiling widget, Zylker Hotels can now:

Access up-to-date, centralized, and contextual guest information that allows their branches to work in tandem to develop coordinated insights that help them offer guests the best experience during their stay.

Leverage a 360-degree view of their guests including their preferences, activities, interests, and RFM value to segment them into personas and build custom experiences that are personalized to their tastes.

Optimize campaigns and marketing activities based on guest personas and interests.

Leverage data to boost revenue by offering relevant suggestions to upsell experiences or additional services to guests during their stay.

"Please note that the solution described here is developed for a real use case of a Zoho customer. All names, identifying details, and screenshots have been anonymized to retain privacy."

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