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Tasks after bringing data into CRM
Step 2: Implement
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Step 1: Plan
0/2 VideosTotal: 27 mins
Step 2: Implement
0/4 VideosTotal: 38 mins
- 0:15View and filter data
- 2:16Customize your home page
- 4:06Execute bulk actions
Tasks after bringing data into CRM
In CRM, all your data is grouped into different modules. When you have a huge list of customer or deal information, it can be hard to find the specific record you are looking for. Zoho CRM gives you list views that let you group data with similar characteristics together. You can select a bunch of records to email, create a task, add tags, and more. Reports and dashboards are available to help you gather valuable insights and stay on top of all your day-to-day activities.
In this video, we will show you how to group your CRM data and effectively use reports and dashboards. You will also learn about the different bulk actions that you can perform on the data in your CRM account.
View and filter data
The list view in Zoho CRM lets you group your data based on a specific set of criteria. This makes it easy for you to identify the information you need instead of manually searching through a huge list. You can also use advanced filters to search for specialized data conveniently.
Useful links: Module ViewsWorking with Advanced Filters
Customize your home page
This is the first page you see after you log in to Zoho CRM. Here you can add dashboards to stay on top of your day-to-day activities. Reports are available to analyze your key sales metrics. These reports can also be converted into dashboards to give you a complete overview of your metrics at a glance.
Useful links: Customizing the home tab
Execute bulk actions
In your business process, there may be situations where you have to perform an identical action on a large group of records. You can send and schedule emails, change the owner of a record, create tasks, add tags, and more. You can also configure Macros to carry out different groups of tasks for a set of records.
Useful links: Common operations with records
Can dashboards be added to the home page?
Well Done! Various dashboards can be added to the home page.
Oh Snap! Dashboards can be added to the home page.
How to transfer the ownership of a record to another user in bulk?
Using Mass Convert
Oh Snap! Mass Convert can be used to convert a set of leads into Contacts and Accounts.
Using Mass Transfer
Well Done! The ownership of records can be transferred from one user to another. You can also choose to transfer the open tasks, events and calls.
Using Mass Update
Oh Snap! Mass Update can be used to update a value of a field for a bunch of records.
How to automate a set of actions for a group of records?
Oh Snap! Various actions such as Email Notifications, Tasks, Field update can be configured and associated with workflow rules, approval processes, blueprints, etc.
Oh Snap! Blueprints are an online replica of your business process that can be configured in Zoho CRM
Well Done! Macros are handy in performing various follow-up tasks in one go.
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