Ruby SDK Samples - Organization Operations
require 'ZOHOCRMSDK2_0'
class Organization
def self.get_organization
# """
# This method is used to get the organization data and print the response.
# """
# Get instance of OrgOperations Class
org_operation =
# Call get_organization method
response = org_operation.get_organization
unless response.nil?
status_code = response.status_code
# Get the status code from response
print "\n Status Code :" + status_code.to_s
# Check if expected instance is received.
if response.is_expected
# Get object from response
response_handler = response.data_object
# Check if expected ResponseWrapper instance is received
if response_handler.is_a? ZOHOCRMSDK::Org::ResponseWrapper
# Get the list of obtained Org instances
orgs =
orgs.each do |org|
# Get the Country of each Organization
print "\n Organization Country: "
# Get the PhotoId of each Organization
print "\n Organization PhotoId: "
print org.photo_id
# Get the City of each Organization
print "\n Organization City: "
# Get the Description of each Organization
print "\n Organization Description: "
print org.description
# Get the McStatus of each Organization
print "\n Organization McStatus: "
print org.mc_status
# Get the GappsEnabled of each Organization
print "\n Organization GappsEnabled: "
print org.gapps_enabled
# Get the DomainName of each Organization
print "\n Organization DomainName: "
print org.domain_name
# Get the TranslationEnabled of each Organization
print "\n Organization TranslationEnabled: "
print org.translation_enabled
print "\n Organization Street: "
print org.street
# Get the Alias of each Organization
print "\n Organization Alias: "
print org.alias
print "\n Organization Currency: "
print org.currency
# Get the Id of each Organization
print "\n Organization id: "
# Get the State of each Organization
print "\n Organization State: "
print org.state
# Get the Fax of each Organization
print "\n Organization Fax: "
print org.fax
# Get the EmployeeCount of each Organization
print "\n Organization EmployeeCount: "
print org.employee_count
# Get the Zip of each Organization
print "\n Organization Zip: "
# Get the Website of each Organization
print "\n Organization Website: "
# Get the CurrencySymbol of each Organization
print "\n Organization CurrencySymbol: "
print org.currency_symbol
# Get the Mobile of each Organization
print "\n Organization Mobile: "
# Get the CurrencyLocale of each Organization
print "\n Organization CurrencyLocale: "
print org.currency_locale
# Get the PrimaryZuid of each Organization
print "\n Organization PrimaryZuid: "
print org.primary_zuid
# Get the ZiaPortalId of each Organization
print "\n Organization ZiaPortalId: "
print org.zia_portal_id
# Get the TimeZone of each Organization
print "\n Organization TimeZone: "
print org.time_zone
# Get the Zgid of each Organization
print "\n Organization Zgid: "
print org.zgid
# Get the CountryCode of each Organization
print "\n Organization CountryCode: "
print org.country_code
# Get the obtained LicenseDetails instance
license_details = org.license_details
unless license_details.nil?
# Get the PaidExpiry of LicenseDetails
print "\n Organization LicenseDetails PaidExpiry: "
print license_details.paid_expiry
# Get the UsersLicensePurchased of LicenseDetails
print "\n Organization LicenseDetails UsersLicensePurchased: "
print license_details.users_license_purchased
# Get the TrialType of LicenseDetails
print "\n Organization LicenseDetails TrialType: "
print license_details.trial_type
# Get the TrialExpiry of LicenseDetails
print "\n Organization LicenseDetails TrialExpiry: "
print license_details.trial_expiry
# Get the Paid of LicenseDetails
print "\n Organization LicenseDetails Paid: "
print license_details.paid
# Get the PaidType of LicenseDetails
print "\n Organization LicenseDetails PaidType: "
print license_details.paid_type
# Get the Phone of each Organization
print "\n Organization Phone: "
# Get the CompanyName of each Organization
print "\n Organization CompanyName: "
print org.company_name
# Get the PrivacySettings of each Organization
print "\n Organization PrivacySettings: "
print org.privacy_settings
# Get the PrimaryEmail of each Organization
print "\n Organization PrimaryEmail: "
print org.primary_email
# Get the IsoCode of each Organization
print "\n Organization IsoCode: "
print org.iso_code
# Check if the request returned an exception
elsif response_handler.is_a? ZOHOCRMSDK::Org::APIException
exception = response_handler
# Get the Code
print 'code:'
print exception.code.value
# Get the Status
print "\n status:"
print exception.status.value
# Get the Message
print "\n message:"
print exception.message.value
# Get the Details map
exception.details.each do |k, v|
print "\n"
print k
print v
print "\n"
print "\n"
elsif status_code != 204
response_object = response.data_object
response_object.instance_variables.each do |field|
print field
print "\n"
print response_object.instance_variable_get(field)