Run your entire business on Zoho with our unified cloud software, designed to help you break down silos between departments and increase organizational efficiency.
import os
from import *
from import ParameterMap
from import StreamWrapper
class File(object):
def upload_files(absolute_file_path):
This method is used to upload files and print the response.
# Get instance of FileOperations Class
file_operations = FileOperations()
# Get instance of ParameterMap Class
param_instance = ParameterMap()
# Possible parameters of UploadFile operation
param_instance.add(UploadFilesParam.type, "inline")
# Get instance of FileBodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body
request = BodyWrapper()
StreamWrapper can be initialized in any of the following ways
* param 1 -> fileName
* param 2 -> Read Stream.
# stream_wrapper = StreamWrapper(stream=open(absolute_file_path, 'rb'))
* param 1 -> fileName
* param 2 -> Read Stream
* param 3 -> Absolute File Path of the file to be attached
stream_wrapper1 = StreamWrapper(file_path=absolute_file_path)
# stream_wrapper2 = StreamWrapper(file_path="/Users/username/sdk_logs.txt")
# stream_wrapper3 = StreamWrapper(file_path="/Users/username/sdk_logs.txt")
# Set list of files to the BodyWrapper instance
request.set_file([stream_wrapper1]) #, stream_wrapper2, stream_wrapper3])
# Call upload_files method that takes BodyWrapper instance and ParameterMap instance as parameter.
response = file_operations.upload_files(request, param_instance)
if response is not None:
# Get the status code from response
print('Status Code: ' + str(response.get_status_code()))
# Get object from response
response_object = response.get_object()
if response_object is not None:
# Check if expected ActionWrapper instance is received.
if isinstance(response_object, ActionWrapper):
action_response_list = response_object.get_data()
for action_response in action_response_list:
# Check if the request is successful
if isinstance(action_response, SuccessResponse):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + action_response.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + action_response.get_code().get_value())
# Get the details dict
details = action_response.get_details()
for key, value in details.items():
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + action_response.get_message().get_value())
# Check if the request returned an exception
elif isinstance(action_response, APIException):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + action_response.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + action_response.get_code().get_value())
# Get the details dict
details = action_response.get_details()
for key, value in details.items():
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + action_response.get_message().get_value())
# Check if the request returned an exception
elif isinstance(response_object, APIException):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + response_object.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + response_object.get_code().get_value())
# Get the details dict
details = response_object.get_details()
for key, value in details.items():
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + response_object.get_message().get_value())
Get File
import os
from import *
from import ParameterMap
from import StreamWrapper
class File(object):
def get_file(id, destination_folder):
This method is used to download the file with ID and write in the destinationFolder
:param id: The ID of the uploaded File.
:param destination_folder: The absolute path of the destination folder to store the File
id = "ae9c7cefa418aec1d6a5cc2d9ab35c3231aae3bfeef7d5e00a54b7563c0dd42b";
destination_folder = "/Users/user_name/Desktop"
# Get instance of FileOperations Class
file_operations = FileOperations()
# Get instance of ParameterMap Class
param_instance = ParameterMap()
# Add the id to ParameterMap instance
param_instance.add(, id)
# Call get_file method that takes ParameterMap instance as parameter
response = file_operations.get_file(param_instance)
if response is not None:
# Get the status code from response
print('Status Code: ' + str(response.get_status_code()))
if response.get_status_code() in [204, 304]:
print('No Content' if response.get_status_code() == 204 else 'Not Modified')
# Get object from response
response_object = response.get_object()
if response_object is not None:
# Check if expected FileBodyWrapper instance is received.
if isinstance(response_object, FileBodyWrapper):
# Get StreamWrapper instance from the returned FileBodyWrapper instance
stream_wrapper = response_object.get_file()
# Construct the file name by joining the destinationFolder and the name from StreamWrapper instance
file_name = os.path.join(destination_folder, stream_wrapper.get_name())
# Open the destination file where the file needs to be written in 'wb' mode
with open(file_name, 'wb') as f:
# Get the stream from StreamWrapper instance
for chunk in stream_wrapper.get_stream():
# Check if the request returned an exception
elif isinstance(response_object, APIException):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + response_object.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + response_object.get_code().get_value())
# Get the details dict
details = response_object.get_details()
for key, value in details.items():
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + response_object.get_message().get_value())