Python SDK Samples - Blueprint Operations
from import *
from import BluePrint as ZCRMBluePrint
from import Record
class BluePrint(object):
def get_blueprint(module_api_name, record_id):
This method is used to get a single record's Blueprint details with ID and print the response.
:param module_api_name: The API Name of the record's module
:param record_id: The ID of the record to get Blueprint
module_api_name = "Leads"
record_id = 3409643000002469044
# Get instance of BluePrintOperations Class that takes record_id and module_api_name as parameters
blue_print_operations = BluePrintOperations(record_id, module_api_name)
# Call get_blueprint method
response = blue_print_operations.get_blueprint()
if response is not None:
# Get the status code from response
print('Status Code: ' + str(response.get_status_code()))
if response.get_status_code() in [204, 304]:
print('No Content' if response.get_status_code() == 204 else 'Not Modified')
# Get object from response
response_object = response.get_object()
if response_object is not None:
# Check if expected ResponseWrapper instance is received
if isinstance(response_object, ResponseWrapper):
# Get the obtained BluePrint instance
blue_print = response_object.get_blueprint()
# Get the ProcessInfo instance of the obtained BluePrint
process_info = blue_print.get_process_info()
# Check if ProcessInfo is not None
if process_info is not None:
# Get the ID of the ProcessInfo
print("ProcessInfo ID: " + str(process_info.get_id()))
# Get the Field ID of the ProcessInfo
print("ProcessInfo Field-ID: " + process_info.get_field_id())
# Get the isContinuous of the ProcessInfo
print("ProcessInfo isContinuous: " + str(process_info.get_is_continuous()))
# Get the API Name of the ProcessInfo
print("ProcessInfo API Name: " + process_info.get_api_name())
# Get the Continuous of the ProcessInfo
print("ProcessInfo Continuous: " + str(process_info.get_continuous()))
# Get the FieldLabel of the ProcessInfo
print("ProcessInfo FieldLabel: " + process_info.get_field_label())
# Get the Name of the ProcessInfo
print("ProcessInfo Name: " + process_info.get_name())
# Get the ColumnName of the ProcessInfo
print("ProcessInfo ColumnName: " + process_info.get_column_name())
# Get the FieldValue of the ProcessInfo
print("ProcessInfo FieldValue: " + process_info.get_field_value())
# Get the FieldName of the ProcessInfo
print("ProcessInfo FieldName: " + process_info.get_field_name())
# Get the Escalation of the ProcessInfo
print("ProcessInfo FieldName: " + str(process_info.get_escalation()))
# Get the list of transitions from BluePrint instance
transitions = blue_print.get_transitions()
for transition in transitions:
next_transitions = transition.get_next_transitions()
for next_transition in next_transitions:
# Get the ID of the NextTransition
print("NextTransition ID: ")
# Get the Name of the NextTransition
print("NextTransition Name: " + next_transition.get_name())
data = transition.get_data()
if data is not None:
# Get the ID of the Record
print("Record ID: " + str(data.get_id()))
# Get the createdBy User instance of the Record
created_by = data.get_created_by()
# Check if created_by is not None
if created_by is not None:
# Get the Name of the created_by User
print("Record Created By - Name: " + created_by.get_name())
# Get the ID of the created_by User
print("Record Created By - ID: " + created_by.get_id())
# Get the CreatedTime of the Record
print("Record CreatedTime: " + str(data.get_created_time()))
if data.get_modified_time() is not None:
# Get the ModifiedTime of each Record
print("Record ModifiedTime: " + str(data.get_modified_time()))
# Get the modified_by User instance of the Record
modified_by = data.get_modified_by()
# Check if modified_by is not None
if modified_by is not None:
# Get the Name of the modified_by User
print("Record Modified By - Name: " + modified_by.get_name())
# Get the ID of the modified_by User
print("Record Modified By - ID: " + modified_by.get_id())
# Get the list of obtained Tag instance of the Record
tags = data.get_tag()
if tags is not None:
for tag in tags:
# Get the Name of each Tag
print("Record Tag Name: " + tag.get_name())
# Get the Id of each Tag
print("Record Tag ID: " + tag.get_id())
# Get all entries from the key_values dict
for key, value in data.get_key_values().items():
print(key + " : " + str(value))
# Get the NextFieldValue of the Transition
print("Transition NextFieldValue: " + str(transition.get_next_field_value()))
# Get the Name of each Transition
print("Transition Name: " + str(transition.get_name()))
# Get the CriteriaMatched of the Transition
print("Transition CriteriaMatched: " + str(transition.get_criteria_matched()))
# Get the ID of the Transition
print("Transition ID: " + str(transition.get_id()))
# Get the Execution Time of the Transition
print("Transition Execution Time: " + str(transition.get_execution_time()))
# Get the CriteriaMessage of each Transition
print("Transition CriteriaMessage: " + str(transition.get_criteria_message()))
fields = transition.get_fields()
print("Transition Fields")
for field in fields:
# Get the Webhook of each Field
print("Webhook: " + str(field.get_webhook()))
# Get the JsonType of each Field
print("JsonType: " + str(field.get_json_type()))
# Get the DisplayLabel of each Field
print("DisplayLabel: " + field.get_display_label())
# Get the SystemMandatory of each Field
print("SystemMandatory: " + str(field.get_system_mandatory()))
# Get the DataType of each Field
print("DataType: " + field.get_data_type())
# Get the ColumnName of each Field
print("ColumnName: " + str(field.get_column_name()))
# Get the PersonalityName of each Field
print("PersonalityName: " + str(field.get_personality_name()))
# Get the ID of each Field
print("ID: " + str(field.get_id()))
# Get the TransitionSequence of each Field
print("TransitionSequence: " + str(field.get_transition_sequence()))
if field.get_mandatory() is not None:
# Get the Mandatory of each Field
print("Mandatory: " + str(field.get_mandatory()))
# Get the obtained Layout instance
layout = field.get_layouts()
# Check if layout is not null
if layout is not None:
# Get the ID of the Layout
print("Layout ID: " + str(layout.get_id()))
# Get the Name of the Layout
print("Layout Name: " + str(layout.get_name()))
# Get the APIName of each Field
print("APIName : " + str(field.get_api_name()))
# Get the Content of each Field
print("Content: " + str(field.get_content()))
# Get the Message of each Field
print("Message :" + str(field.get_message()))
# Get the obtained Crypt instance
crypt = field.get_crypt()
if crypt is not None:
print("Crypt Details")
# Get the Crypt Mode
print("Mode: " + crypt.get_mode())
# Get the Crypt Column
print("Column: " + crypt.get_column())
# Get the Crypt Table
print("Table: " + crypt.get_table())
# Get the Crypt Status
print("Status: " + str(crypt.get_status()))
# Get the FieldLabel of each Field
print("FieldLabel: " + str(field.get_field_label()))
tool_tip = field.get_tooltip()
if tool_tip is not None:
# Get the Name of the ToolTip
print("ToolTip Name: " + tool_tip.get_name())
# Get the Value of the ToolTip
print("ToolTip Value: " + tool_tip.get_value())
# Get the CreatedSource of each Field
print("CreatedSource: " + str(field.get_created_source()))
# Get the FieldReadOnly of each Field
print("FieldReadOnly: " + str(field.get_field_read_only()))
# Get the Criteria of each Field
criteria = field.get_criteria()
if criteria is not None:
# Get the Related Details of each Field
related_details = field.get_related_details()
if related_details is not None:
# Get the display label of related detail
if related_details.get_display_label() is not None:
print("RelatedDetails Display Label: " + related_details.get_display_label())
# Get the API Name of related detail
print("Related Details API Name: " + str(related_details.get_api_name()))
# Get the module of related detail
if related_details.get_module() is not None:
module = related_details.get_module()
# Get the layout of the module
if module.get_layout() is not None:
layout = module.get_layout()
print("Related Details Module Layout ID: " + layout.get_id())
print("Related Details Module Layout Name: " + layout.get_name())
# Get the display label of the module
if module.get_display_label() is not None:
print("Related Details Module Display Label: " + module.get_display_label())
# Get the Module API Name of the Related detail module
print("Related Details Module API Name: " + str(module.get_api_name()))
# Get the Module of the Related detail module
print("Related Details Module: " + str(module.get_module()))
# Get the Module Name of the Related detail module
print("Related Details Module Name: " + module.get_module_name())
# Get the ID of the Related detail
print("Related Details ID: " + str(related_details.get_id()))
# Get the Type of the Related detail
print("Related Details Type: " + str(related_details.get_type()))
# Get the ReadOnly of each Field
if field.get_read_only() is not None:
print("ReadOnly: " + str(field.get_read_only()))
# Get the obtained AssociationDetails instance
association_details = field.get_association_details()
if association_details is not None:
# Get the obtained LookupField instance
lookup_field = association_details.get_lookup_field()
if lookup_field is not None:
# Get the ID of the LookupField
print("AssociationDetails LookupField ID: " + lookup_field.get_id())
# Get the Name of the LookupField
print('AssociationDetails LookupField Name: ' + lookup_field.get_name())
# Get the obtained LookupField instance
related_field = association_details.get_related_field()
if related_field is not None:
# Get the ID of the RelatedField
print("AssociationDetails RelatedField ID: " + related_field.get_id())
# Get the Name of the RelatedField
print('AssociationDetails RelatedField Name: ' + related_field.get_name())
if field.get_quick_sequence_number() is not None:
# Get the QuickSequenceNumber of each Field
print('QuickSequenceNumber: ' + str(field.get_quick_sequence_number()))
# Get the DisplayLabel of each Field
print("DisplayLabel: " + field.get_display_label())
if field.get_custom_field() is not None:
# Get if the Field is a CustomField
print("CustomField: " + str(field.get_custom_field()))
if field.get_visible() is not None:
# Get the Visible of each Field
print("Visible: " + str(field.get_visible()))
if field.get_length() is not None:
# Get the Length of each Field
print("Length: " + str(field.get_length()))
if field.get_decimal_place() is not None:
# Get the DecimalPlace of each Field
print("DecimalPlace: " + str(field.get_decimal_place()))
# Get the ViewType of each Field
view_type = field.get_view_type()
if view_type is not None:
# Get the View of the ViewType
print("View: " + str(view_type.get_view()))
# Get the Edit of the ViewType
print("Edit: " + str(view_type.get_edit()))
# Get the Create of the ViewType
print("Create: " + str(view_type.get_create()))
# Get the QuickCreate of the ViewType
print("QuickCreate: " + str(view_type.get_quick_create()))
pick_list_values = field.get_pick_list_values()
if pick_list_values is not None:
for pick_list_value in pick_list_values:
# Get the DisplayValue of each PickListValue
print("DisplayValue: " + pick_list_value.get_display_value())
if pick_list_value.get_sequence_number() is not None:
# Get the SequenceNumber of each PickListValue
print("SequenceNumber: " + str(
# Get the ExpectedDataType of each PickListValue
print("ExpectedDataType: " + str(pick_list_value.get_expected_data_type()))
# Get the ActualValue of each PickListValue
print("ActualValue: " + pick_list_value.get_actual_value())
if pick_list_value.get_maps() is not None:
# Get each value from the map
for map in pick_list_value.get_maps():
# Get the SysRefName of each PickListValues
print("SysRefName: " + str(pick_list_value.get_sys_ref_name()))
# Get the Type of each PickListValues
print("Type: " + str(pick_list_value.get_type()))
multi_select_lookup = field.get_multiselectlookup()
# Check if multiSelectLookup is not None
if multi_select_lookup is not None:
# Get the DisplayLabel of the MultiSelectLookup
print("DisplayLabel: " + str(multi_select_lookup.get_display_label()))
# Get the LinkingModule of the MultiSelectLookup
print("LinkingModule: " + str(multi_select_lookup.get_linking_module()))
# Get the LookupApiname of the MultiSelectLookup
print("LookupApiname: " + str(multi_select_lookup.get_lookup_apiname()))
# Get the APIName of the MultiSelectLookup
print("APIName: " + str(multi_select_lookup.get_api_name()))
# Get the ConnectedlookupApiname of the MultiSelectLookup
print("ConnectedlookupApiname: " + str(multi_select_lookup.get_connectedlookup_apiname()))
# Get the ID of the MultiSelectLookup
print("ID: " + str(multi_select_lookup.get_id()))
auto_number = field.get_auto_number()
# Check if autoNumber is not None
if auto_number is not None:
# Get the Prefix of the AutoNumber
print('Prefix: ' + str(auto_number.get_prefix()))
# Get the Suffix of the AutoNumber
print('Suffix: ' + str(auto_number.get_suffix()))
if auto_number.get_start_number() is not None:
# Get the StartNumber of the AutoNumber
print('Start Number: ' + str(auto_number.get_start_number()))
# Check if the request returned an exception
elif isinstance(response_object, APIException):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + response_object.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + response_object.get_code().get_value())
# Get the details dict
details = response_object.get_details()
for key, value in details.items():
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + response_object.get_message().get_value())
def print_criteria(criteria):
if criteria.get_comparator() is not None:
# Get the Comparator of the Criteria
print('Field Criteria Comparator: ' + criteria.get_comparator().get_value())
if criteria.get_field() is not None:
# Get the Field of the Criteria
print('Field Criteria Field: ' + criteria.get_field())
if criteria.get_value() is not None:
# Get the Value of the Criteria
print('Field Criteria Value: ' + str(criteria.get_value()))
# Get the List of Criteria instance of each Criteria
criteria_group = criteria.get_group()
if criteria_group is not None:
for each_criteria in criteria_group:
if criteria.get_group_operator() is not None:
# Get the Group Operator of the Criteria
print('Field Criteria Group Operator: ' + criteria.get_group_operator().get_value())