Python SDK Samples - Notification Operations
from datetime import datetime
from import *
from import Notification as ZCRMNotification
from import HeaderMap, ParameterMap
class Notification(object):
def enable_notifications():
This method is used to Enable Notifications and print the response.
# Get instance of NotificationOperations Class
notification_operations = NotificationOperations()
# Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body
body_wrapper = BodyWrapper()
# List to hold Notification instances
notifications = []
# Get instance of Notification Class
notification_1 = ZCRMNotification()
# Set channel Id of the Notification
# To subscribe based on particular operations on given modules.
# To set the expiry time for instant notifications.
# By using this value, user can validate the notifications.
# URL to be notified (POST request)
# Add Notification instance to the list
# Get instance of Notification Class
notification_2 = ZCRMNotification()
# Set channel Id of the Notification
# To subscribe based on particular operations on given modules.
# To set the expiry time for instant notifications.
notification_2.set_channel_expiry(datetime(2020, 11, 11, 10, 10, 10))
# By using this value, user can validate the notifications.
# URL to be notified (POST request)
# Add Notification instance to the list
# Set the list to notifications in BodyWrapper instance
# Call enable_notifications method that takes BodyWrapper instance as parameter
response = notification_operations.enable_notifications(body_wrapper)
if response is not None:
# Get the status code from response
print('Status Code: ' + str(response.get_status_code()))
# Get object from response
response_object = response.get_object()
if response_object is not None:
# Check if expected ActionWrapper instance is received.
if isinstance(response_object, ActionWrapper):
# Get the list of obtained ActionResponse instances
action_response_list = response_object.get_watch()
for action_response in action_response_list:
# Check if the request is successful
if isinstance(action_response, SuccessResponse):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + action_response.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + action_response.get_code().get_value())
print("Details: ")
if action_response.get_details() is not None:
for key, value in action_response.get_details().items():
if isinstance(value, list):
event_list = value
for event in event_list:
# Get the ChannelExpiry of each Notification
print("Notification ChannelExpiry: " + str(event.get_channel_expiry()))
# Get the ResourceUri of each Notification
print("Notification ResourceUri: " + event.get_resource_uri())
# Get the ResourceId of each Notification
print("Notification ResourceId: " + event.get_resource_id())
# Get the ResourceName of each Notification
print("Notification ResourceName: " + event.get_resource_name())
# Get the ChannelId of each Notification
print("Notification ChannelId: " + str(event.get_channel_id()))
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + action_response.get_message().get_value())
# Check if the request returned an exception
elif isinstance(action_response, APIException):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + action_response.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + action_response.get_code().get_value())
# Get the details dict
details = action_response.get_details()
for key, value in details.items():
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + action_response.get_message().get_value())
# Check if the request returned an exception
elif isinstance(response_object, APIException):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + response_object.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + response_object.get_code().get_value())
# Get the details dict
details = response_object.get_details()
for key, value in details.items():
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + response_object.get_message().get_value())
from datetime import datetime
from import *
from import Notification as ZCRMNotification
from import HeaderMap, ParameterMap
class Notification(object):
def get_notification_details():
This method is used to get details of the Notification and print the response.
# Get instance of NotificationOperations Class
notification_operations = NotificationOperations()
# Get instance of ParameterMap Class
param_instance = ParameterMap()
param_instance.add(GetNotificationDetailsParam.module, 'Deals')
param_instance.add(, 1)
param_instance.add(GetNotificationDetailsParam.per_page, 20)
param_instance.add(GetNotificationDetailsParam.channel_id, 100000006800211)
# Call get_notification_details method
response = notification_operations.get_notification_details(param_instance)
if response is not None:
# Get the status code from response
print('Status Code: ' + str(response.get_status_code()))
if response.get_status_code() in [204, 304]:
print('No Content' if response.get_status_code() == 204 else 'Not Modified')
# Get object from response
response_object = response.get_object()
if response_object is not None:
# Check if expected ResponseWrapper instance is received.
if isinstance(response_object, ResponseWrapper):
# Get the list of obtained Notification instances
notification_list = response_object.get_watch()
for notification in notification_list:
# Get the NotifyOnRelatedAction of each Notification
print("Notification NotifyOnRelatedAction: " + str(notification.get_notify_on_related_action()))
# Get the ChannelExpiry of each Notification
print("Notification ChannelExpiry: " + str(notification.get_channel_expiry()))
# Get the ResourceUri of each Notification
print("Notification ResourceUri: " + notification.get_resource_uri())
# Get the ResourceId of each Notification
print("Notification ResourceId: " + notification.get_resource_id())
# Get the ResourceName of each Notification
print("Notification ResourceName: " + notification.get_resource_name())
# Get the ChannelId of each Notification
print("Notification ChannelId: " + str(notification.get_channel_id()))
# Get the NotifyUrl each Notification
print("Notification NotifyUrl: " + notification.get_notify_url())
# Get the events List of each Notification
events = notification.get_events()
if events is not None:
for event in events:
# Get the Events
print("Notification Events: " + event)
# Get the Token each Notification
print("Notification Token: " + notification.get_token())
info = response_object.get_info()
if info is not None:
if info.get_per_page() is not None:
# Get the PerPage from Info
print('Notification Info PerPage: ' + str(info.get_per_page()))
if info.get_page() is not None:
# Get the Page from Info
print('Notification Info Page: ' + str(info.get_page()))
if info.get_count() is not None:
# Get the Count from Info
print('Notification Info Count: ' + str(info.get_count()))
if info.get_more_records() is not None:
# Get the MoreRecords from Info
print('Notification Info MoreRecords: ' + str(info.get_more_records()))
# Check if the request returned an exception
elif isinstance(response_object, APIException):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + response_object.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + response_object.get_code().get_value())
# Get the details dict
details = response_object.get_details()
for key, value in details.items():
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + response_object.get_message().get_value())
from datetime import datetime
from import *
from import Notification as ZCRMNotification
from import HeaderMap, ParameterMap
class Notification(object):
def update_notifications():
This method is used to update Notifications and print the response.
# Get instance of NotificationOperations Class
notification_operations = NotificationOperations()
# Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body
body_wrapper = BodyWrapper()
# List to hold Notification instances
notifications = []
# Get instance of Notification Class
notification_1 = ZCRMNotification()
# Set channel Id of the Notification
# To subscribe based on particular operations on given modules.
# URL to be notified (POST request)
# Add Notification instance to the list
# Get instance of Notification Class
notification_2 = ZCRMNotification()
# Set channel Id of the Notification
# To subscribe based on particular operations on given modules.
# By using this value, user can validate the notifications.
# URL to be notified (POST request)
# Add Notification instance to the list
# Set the list to notifications in BodyWrapper instance
# Call update_notifications method that takes BodyWrapper instance as parameter
response = notification_operations.update_notifications(body_wrapper)
if response is not None:
# Get the status code from response
print('Status Code: ' + str(response.get_status_code()))
# Get object from response
response_object = response.get_object()
if response_object is not None:
# Check if expected ActionWrapper instance is received.
if isinstance(response_object, ActionWrapper):
# Get the list of obtained ActionResponse instances
action_response_list = response_object.get_watch()
for action_response in action_response_list:
# Check if the request is successful
if isinstance(action_response, SuccessResponse):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + action_response.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + action_response.get_code().get_value())
print("Details: ")
if action_response.get_details() is not None:
for key, value in action_response.get_details().items():
if isinstance(value, list):
event_list = value
for event in event_list:
# Get the ChannelExpiry of each Notification
print("Notification ChannelExpiry: " + str(event.get_channel_expiry()))
# Get the ResourceUri of each Notification
print("Notification ResourceUri: " + event.get_resource_uri())
# Get the ResourceId of each Notification
print("Notification ResourceId: " + event.get_resource_id())
# Get the ResourceName of each Notification
print("Notification ResourceName: " + event.get_resource_name())
# Get the ChannelId of each Notification
print("Notification ChannelId: " + str(event.get_channel_id()))
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + action_response.get_message().get_value())
# Check if the request returned an exception
elif isinstance(action_response, APIException):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + action_response.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + action_response.get_code().get_value())
# Get the details dict
details = action_response.get_details()
for key, value in details.items():
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + action_response.get_message().get_value())
# Check if the request returned an exception
elif isinstance(response_object, APIException):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + response_object.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + response_object.get_code().get_value())
# Get the details dict
details = response_object.get_details()
for key, value in details.items():
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + response_object.get_message().get_value())
from datetime import datetime
from import *
from import Notification as ZCRMNotification
from import HeaderMap, ParameterMap
class Notification(object):
def update_notification():
This method is used to update single Notification and print the response.
# Get instance of NotificationOperations Class
notification_operations = NotificationOperations()
# Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body
body_wrapper = BodyWrapper()
# List to hold Notification instances
notifications = []
# Get instance of Notification Class
notification = ZCRMNotification()
# Set channel Id of the Notification
# To subscribe based on particular operations on given modules.
# URL to be notified (POST request)
# Add Notification instance to the list
# Set the list to notifications in BodyWrapper instance
# Call update_notification method that takes BodyWrapper instance as parameters
response = notification_operations.update_notification(body_wrapper)
if response is not None:
# Get the status code from response
print('Status Code: ' + str(response.get_status_code()))
# Get object from response
response_object = response.get_object()
if response_object is not None:
# Check if expected ActionWrapper instance is received.
if isinstance(response_object, ActionWrapper):
# Get the list of obtained ActionResponse instances
action_response_list = response_object.get_watch()
for action_response in action_response_list:
# Check if the request is successful
if isinstance(action_response, SuccessResponse):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + action_response.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + action_response.get_code().get_value())
print("Details: ")
if action_response.get_details() is not None:
for key, value in action_response.get_details().items():
if isinstance(value, list):
event_list = value
for event in event_list:
# Get the ChannelExpiry of each Notification
print("Notification ChannelExpiry: " + str(event.get_channel_expiry()))
# Get the ResourceUri of each Notification
print("Notification ResourceUri: " + event.get_resource_uri())
# Get the ResourceId of each Notification
print("Notification ResourceId: " + event.get_resource_id())
# Get the ResourceName of each Notification
print("Notification ResourceName: " + event.get_resource_name())
# Get the ChannelId of each Notification
print("Notification ChannelId: " + str(event.get_channel_id()))
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + action_response.get_message().get_value())
# Check if the request returned an exception
elif isinstance(action_response, APIException):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + action_response.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + action_response.get_code().get_value())
# Get the details dict
details = action_response.get_details()
for key, value in details.items():
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + action_response.get_message().get_value())
# Check if the request returned an exception
elif isinstance(response_object, APIException):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + response_object.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + response_object.get_code().get_value())
# Get the details dict
details = response_object.get_details()
for key, value in details.items():
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + response_object.get_message().get_value())
from datetime import datetime
from import *
from import Notification as ZCRMNotification
from import HeaderMap, ParameterMap
class Notification(object):
def disable_notification():
This method is used to disable notifications for the specified events in a channel.
# Get instance of NotificationOperations Class
notification_operations = NotificationOperations()
# Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body
body_wrapper = BodyWrapper()
# List to hold Notification instances
notifications = []
# Get instance of Notification Class
notification = ZCRMNotification()
# Set channel Id of the Notification
# To subscribe based on particular operations on given modules.
# Add Notification instance to the list
# Set the list to notifications in BodyWrapper instance
# Call disable_notification which takes BodyWrapper instance as parameter
response = notification_operations.disable_notification(body_wrapper)
if response is not None:
# Get the status code from response
print('Status Code: ' + str(response.get_status_code()))
# Get object from response
response_object = response.get_object()
if response_object is not None:
# Check if expected ActionWrapper instance is received.
if isinstance(response_object, ActionWrapper):
# Get the list of obtained ActionResponse instances
action_response_list = response_object.get_watch()
for action_response in action_response_list:
# Check if the request is successful
if isinstance(action_response, SuccessResponse):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + action_response.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + action_response.get_code().get_value())
# Get the details dict
details = action_response.get_details()
for key, value in details.items():
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + action_response.get_message().get_value())
# Check if the request returned an exception
elif isinstance(action_response, APIException):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + action_response.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + action_response.get_code().get_value())
# Get the details dict
details = action_response.get_details()
for key, value in details.items():
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + action_response.get_message().get_value())
# Check if the request returned an exception
elif isinstance(response_object, APIException):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + response_object.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + response_object.get_code().get_value())
# Get the details dict
details = response_object.get_details()
for key, value in details.items():
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + response_object.get_message().get_value())