Android SDK Samples - Currencies Operations
//$companyinfo object is of ZCRMCompanyInfo
//call getCurrencies() using $companyinfo object
$companyinfo.getCurrencies(object: DataCallback<BulkAPIResponse, List<ZCRMCurrency>>
override fun completed(response: BulkAPIResponse,currencies: List<ZCRMCurrency>)
override fun failed(exception: ZCRMException)
println("Throws Exception : $exception")
//$companyinfo object is of ZCRMCompanyInfo
//call getCurrenciesFromServer() using $companyinfo object
$companyinfo.getCurrenciesFromServer(object: DataCallback<BulkAPIResponse, List<ZCRMCurrency>>
override fun completed(response: BulkAPIResponse,currencies: List<ZCRMCurrency>)
override fun failed(exception: ZCRMException)
println("Throws Exception : $exception")
//$companyinfo object is of ZCRMCompanyInfo
//call getCurrencyFromServer() using $companyinfo object by passing the id of the currency as a parameter
$companyinfo.getCurrencyFromServer(415xxx003, object : DataCallback<APIResponse, ZCRMCurrency>
override fun completed(response: APIResponse, zcrmentity: ZCRMCurrency) {
override fun failed(exception: ZCRMException) {
println("Throws Exception : $exception")
//$companyinfo object is of ZCRMCompanyInfo
//call newCurrency() using $companyinfo object by passing the symbol, name and isoCode.
//symbol - Symbol of the currency.
//name - Name of the currency.
//isoCode - ISO code of the currency.
val currency = $companyinfo.newCurrency("Af", "Algerian Dinar - DZD", "DZD",1.0000000, ZCRMCurrency.Format("Period","Comma", 2))
//call enableMultiCurrency() using $companyinfo object by passing the defined base currency as a parameter to it.
$companyinfo.enableMultiCurrency(currency, object : ResponseCallback<APIResponse>
override fun completed(response: APIResponse)
override fun failed(exception: ZCRMException)
println("Throws Exception : $exception")
//$companyinfo object is of ZCRMCompanyInfo
//define the currencies
//call newCurrency() using $companyinfo object by passing the symbol, name and isoCode.
//symbol - Symbol of the currency.
//name - Name of the currency.
//isoCode - ISO code of the currency.
val currency1 = $companyinfo.newCurrency("$", "US Dollar - USD", "USD",3.000000000, ZCRMCurrency.Format("Period","Comma", 2))
val currency2 = $companyinfo.newCurrency("SR","Saudi Riyal - SAR","SAR", 1.0000000,ZCRMCurrency.Format("Period","Comma",2))
//add the currencies to currenciesList
val currenciesList = listOf<ZCRMCurrency>(currency1,currency2)
//call createCurrencies() using $companyinfo object by passing the currenciesList as a parameter to it
override fun completed(response: BulkAPIResponse,zcrmentity: List<ZCRMCurrency>) {
override fun failed(exception: ZCRMException) {
println("Throws Exception : $exception")
val currenciesList = listOf<ZCRMCurrency>()
//$currency1 and $currency2 objects are of ZCRMCurrency
$currency1.exchangeRate = 3.000000000 //updating the currency's exchange rate
currenciesList.add($currency1) //add currency1 to currenciesList
$currency2.exchangeRate = 1.000000000 //updating the currency's exchange rate
currenciesList.add($currency2) //add currency2 to currenciesList
//$companyinfo object is of ZCRMCompanyInfo
//call updateCurrencies() using $companyinfo object by passing the currenciesList as a parameter to it
override fun completed(response: BulkAPIResponse) {
override fun failed(exception: ZCRMException) {
println("Throws Exception: $exception")