Run your entire business on Zoho with our unified cloud software, designed to help you break down silos between departments and increase organizational efficiency.
from import *
from import ParameterMap
class Wizard(object):
def get_wizards():
This method is used to get a wizard' details with ID and print(the response.
# Get instance of WizardOperations Class
wizard_operations = WizardsOperations()
# Possible parameters for Get Wizard Operation
# Call get_wizard method that takes ParameterMap instance as parameter
response = wizard_operations.get_wizards()
if response is not None:
# Get the status code from response
print('Status Code: ' + str(response.get_status_code()))
if response.get_status_code() in [204, 304]:
print('No Content' if response.get_status_code() == 204 else 'Not Modified')
# Get object from response
response_object = response.get_object()
if response_obj
ect is not None:
# Check if expected ResponseWrapper instance is received
if isinstance(response_object, ResponseWrapper):
wizard_list = response_object.get_wizards()
for wizard in wizard_list:
# Get the ID of each Wizard
print(" ID " + str(wizard.get_id()))
# Get the name of each Wizard
print("Name: " + str(wizard.get_name()))
# Get the Modified Time of each Wizard
print("Modified Time: " + str(wizard.get_modified_time()))
# Get the Created Time of each Wizard
print("Created Time: " + str(wizard.get_created_time()))
# Get the Draft of each Wizard
print("Draft: " + str(wizard.get_draft()))
# Get the active of each Wizard
print("active: " + str(wizard.get_active()))
created_by = wizard.get_created_by()
# Check if created_by is not None
if created_by is not None:
# Get the Name of the created_by User
print("Created By - Name: " + created_by.get_name())
# Get the ID of the created_by User
print("Created By - ID: " + str(created_by.get_id()))
# Get the email of the created_by User
print("Created By - email: " + str(created_by.get_email()))
# Check if parent_wizard is not None
parent_wizard = wizard.get_parent_wizard()
if parent_wizard is not None:
# Get the ID of the folder
print("Wizard parent_wizard ID: " + parent_wizard.get_parent_wizard())
# Get the Name of the folder
print("Wizard parent_wizard Name:" + str(parent_wizard.get_id()))
# get module
module = wizard.get_module()
if module is not None:
# Get the API Name of the module
print("Module - API Name: " + module.get_api_name())
# Get the ID of the module
print("Module - ID: " + str(module.get_id()))
# get profiles
profiles = wizard.get_profiles()
for profile in profiles:
print("Wizard Profile ID: " + str(profile.get_id()))
print("Wizard Profile Name: " + profile.get_name())
# Get the modified_by User instance of each Wizard
modified_by = wizard.get_modified_by()
# Check if modified_by is not None
if modified_by is not None:
# Get the Name of the modifiedBy User
print("Modified By - Name: " + modified_by.get_name())
# Get the ID of the modifiedBy User
print("Modified By - ID: " + str(modified_by.get_id()))
# Get the email of the created_by User
print("Modified By - ID: " + str(modified_by.get_email()))
# Get the Containers of each Wizard
containers = wizard.get_containers()
if containers is not None:
for container in containers:
print("\n Container Id: " + str(container.get_id()))
# Get the Layout
layout = container.get_layout()
if layout is not None:
print("\n Layout id" + str(layout.get_id()))
print("\n Layout name"+layout.get_name())
# Get the Chart Data
chart_data = container.get_chart_data()
if chart_data is not None:
# Get the nodes
nodes = chart_data.get_nodes()
for node in nodes:
print("\n Chart Data Node poistion y: ")
print("\n Chart Data Node poistion x: ")
print("\n Chart Data Node start node : ")
node_screen = node.get_screen()
if node_screen is not None:
print("\n Screen id")
print("\n Screen display label")
# Get the connections
connections = chart_data.get_connections()
for connection in connections:
# Get the target screen
connection_screen = connection.get_target_screen()
if connection_screen is not None:
print("\n connection_screen id")
print("\n connection_screen display label")
# Get the connection source button
connection_button = connection_screen.get_source_button()
if connection_button is not None:
print("\n connection_button id")
print("\n connection_button display label")
# Get chart data
chart_data = container.get_chart_data()
if chart_data is not None:
print("\n Chart Data Canvas width: ")
print("\n Chart Data Canvas height: ")
# Get container screens
screens = container.get_screens()
if screens is not None:
for screen in screens:
print("\n screen id")
print("\n screen display label")
# Get container screens segments
segments = screen.get_segments()
for segment in segments:
print("\n segment id")
print("\n segment display label")
print("\n segment sequence number")
print("\n segment type")
print("\n segment column count")
fields = segment.get_fields()
for field in fields:
print("\n field id")
print("\n field api_name")
buttons = segment.get_buttons()
for button in buttons:
criteria = button.get_criteria()
if criteria is not None:
target_screen = button.get_target_screen()
if target_screen is not None:
print("\n target screen id")
print("\n target screen display label")
print("\n Button display label:")
print("\n Button id:")
print("\n Button type:")
print("\n Button background color:")
print("\n Button sequence number:")
print("\n Button color:")
print("\n Button type:")
print("\n Button shape:")
# Check if the request returned an exception
elif isinstance(response_object, APIException):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + response_object.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + response_object.get_code().get_value())
# Get the details dict
details = response_object.get_details()
if details is not None:
if details is not None:
for key, value in details.items():
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + response_object.get_message().get_value())
def print_criteria(criteria):
if criteria.get_comparator() is not None:
# Get the Comparator of the Criteria
print('Field Criteria Comparator: ' + criteria.get_comparator().get_value())
if criteria.get_field() is not None:
# Get the Field of the Criteria
print('Field Criteria Field: ' + criteria.get_field())
if criteria.get_value() is not None:
# Get the Value of the Criteria
print('Field Criteria Value: ' + str(criteria.get_value()))
# Get the List of Criteria instance of each Criteria
criteria_group = criteria.get_group()
if criteria_group is not None:
for each_criteria in criteria_group:
if criteria.get_group_operator() is not None:
# Get the Group Operator of the Criteria
print('Field Criteria Group Operator: ' + criteria.get_group_operator().get_value())
Get Wizard
from import *
from import ParameterMap
class Wizard(object):
def get_wizard(wizard_id):
This method is used to get wizard' details with ID and print(the response.
# Get instance of WizardOperations Class
wizard_operations = WizardsOperations()
# Possible parameters for Get Wizard Operation
param_instance = ParameterMap()
param_instance.add(GetWizardbyIDParam.layout_id, "34770610091055")
# Call get_wizard method that takes ParameterMap instance as parameter
response = wizard_operations.get_wizard_by_id(wizard_id,param_instance)
if response is not None:
# Get the status code from response
print('Status Code: ' + str(response.get_status_code()))
if response.get_status_code() in [204, 304]:
print('No Content' if response.get_status_code() == 204 else 'Not Modified')
# Get object from response
response_object = response.get_object()
if response_object is not None:
# Check if expected ResponseWrapper instance is received
if isinstance(response_object, ResponseWrapper):
wizard_list = response_object.get_wizards()
for wizard in wizard_list:
# Get the ID of each Wizard
print(" ID " + str(wizard.get_id()))
# Get the name of each Wizard
print("Name: " + str(wizard.get_name()))
# Get the Modified Time of each Wizard
print("Modified Time: " + str(wizard.get_modified_time()))
# Get the Created Time of each Wizard
print("Created Time: " + str(wizard.get_created_time()))
# Get the Draft of each Wizard
print("Draft: " + str(wizard.get_draft()))
# Get the active of each Wizard
print("active: " + str(wizard.get_active()))
created_by = wizard.get_created_by()
# Check if created_by is not None
if created_by is not None:
# Get the Name of the created_by User
print("Created By - Name: " + created_by.get_name())
# Get the ID of the created_by User
print("Created By - ID: " + str(created_by.get_id()))
# Get the email of the created_by User
print("Created By - email: " + str(created_by.get_email()))
# Check if parent_wizard is not None
parent_wizard = wizard.get_parent_wizard()
if parent_wizard is not None:
# Get the ID of the folder
print("Wizard parent_wizard ID: " + parent_wizard.get_parent_wizard())
# Get the Name of the folder
print("Wizard parent_wizard Name:" + str(parent_wizard.get_id()))
# get module
module = wizard.get_module()
if module is not None:
# Get the API Name of the module
print("Module - API Name: " + module.get_api_name())
# Get the ID of the module
print("Module - ID: " + str(module.get_id()))
# get profiles
profiles = wizard.get_profiles()
for profile in profiles:
print("Wizard Profile ID: " + str(profile.get_id))
print("Wizard Profile Name: " + profile.get_name())
# Get the modified_by User instance of each Wizard
modified_by = wizard.get_modified_by()
# Check if modified_by is not None
if modified_by is not None:
# Get the Name of the modifiedBy User
print("Modified By - Name: " + modified_by.get_name())
# Get the ID of the modifiedBy User
print("Modified By - ID: " + str(modified_by.get_id()))
# Get the email of the created_by User
print("Modified By - ID: " + str(modified_by.get_email()))
# Get the Containers of each Wizard
containers = wizard.get_containers()
if containers is not None:
for container in containers:
# Get the Container ID
print("\n Container Id: " + str(container.get_id()))
# Get the Layout
layout = container.get_layout()
if layout is not None:
print("\n Layout id" + str(layout.get_id()))
print("\n Layout name" + layout.get_name())
# Get the Chart Data
chart_data = container.get_chart_data()
if chart_data is not None:
# Get the nodes
nodes = chart_data.get_nodes()
for node in nodes:
print("\n Chart Data Node poistion y: ")
print("\n Chart Data Node poistion x: ")
print("\n Chart Data Node start node : ")
node_screen = node.get_screen()
if node_screen is not None:
print("\n Screen id")
print("\n Screen display label")
# Get the connections
connections = chart_data.get_connections()
if connections is not None:
for connection in connections:
# Get the target screen
connection_screen = connection.get_target_screen()
if connection_screen is not None:
print("\n connection_screen id")
print("\n connection_screen display label")
# Get the connection source button
connection_button = connection_screen.get_source_button()
if connection_button is not None:
print("\n connection_button id")
print("\n connection_button display label")
# Get chart data
chart_data = container.get_chart_data()
if chart_data is not None:
print("\n Chart Data Canvas width: ")
print("\n Chart Data Canvas height: ")
# Get container screens
screens = container.get_screens()
if screens is not None:
for screen in screens:
print("\n screen id")
print("\n screen display label")
# Get container screens segments
segments = screen.get_segments()
for segment in segments:
print("\n segment id")
print("\n segment display label")
print("\n segment sequence number")
print("\n segment type")
print("\n segment column count")
fields = segment.get_fields()
if fields is not None:
for field in fields:
print("\n field id")
print("\n field api_name")
buttons = segment.get_buttons()
if buttons is not None:
for button in buttons:
criteria = button.get_criteria()
if criteria is not None:
target_screen = button.get_target_screen()
if target_screen is not None:
print("\n target screen id")
print("\n target screen display label")
print("\n Button display label:")
print("\n Button id:")
print("\n Button type:")
print("\n Button background color:")
print("\n Button sequence number:")
print("\n Button color:")
print("\n Button type:")
print("\n Button shape:")
elif isinstance(response_object, APIException):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + response_object.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + response_object.get_code().get_value())
# Get the details dict
details = response_object.get_details()
if details is not None:
if details is not None:
for key, value in details.items():
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + response_object.get_message().get_value())