Create Custom Fields
To create custom fields in a module in your Zoho CRM account.
Request Details
Request URL
Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken d92d4xxxxxxxxxxxxx15f52
scope=ZohoCRM.settings.fields.CREATE (or)
scope=ZohoCRM.settings.fields.ALL (or)
- modulestring, mandatory
Specify the module in which you want to create custom fields, such as Leads, Contacts, etc. Use the GET - Modules API to retrieve modules API names and IDs.
Sample Request
Copiedcurl ""
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
-d "@input.json"
Input JSON Keys
- field_labelstring, mandatory
It represents the unique display label of the field.
- data_typestring, mandatory
It represents the data type of the field. See Field Types: Data Types and Length Limits for more information on the available data types.
- lengthinteger, optional
It represents the maximum number of characters allowed for a field. Certain fields have specific character limits. See Field Types: Data Types and Length Limits for more information.
- tooltipJSON object, optional
Represents the tooltip content for the field.
Possible names:
static_text : Specifies that the field should have a static text tootltip. The tooltip content will be displayed in the field when the user clicks on the field box.
info_icon : Specifies that the field should have an info icon tooltip. Clicking on the info icon will display the tooltip contents.Note that it is mandatory to specify both the name and value when you specify tootltip key.
- profilesJSON array, optional
Each object in the array represents the name and ID of the profile that has access to the field. By default, all org users will have access to the field. Possible permission types: read_write, read_only, and hidden.
- read_write: The user has read and write permissions for the field
- read_only: The user has only read permission for the field
- hidden: The field is not visible to the user.
Note that it is mandatory to specify a permission type to the profiles in order to access the field.
- filterableboolean, optional
Represents whether the created field is supported in filters or not. By default, its value is true. The filterable key is supported for all datatypes except imageupload, fileupload, textarea, and formula when its return_type is text.
- uniqueJSON object, optional
It specifies whether to mark the field as a unique field or not. The accepted value for case_sensitive is false.
- cryptJSON object, optional
Represents whether to store the field's value in encrypted form or not.
The possible values are:
encryption - The field's value will be stored in encrypted form. This is supported for the following datatypes : text, textarea, email, phone, date, datetime, integer, currency, bigint, double, and website.
decryption - The field's value will not be stored in encrypted form. The default value is decryption. - externalJSON object, optional
Represents whether to mark the field as an external field, where information about the record from a third-party application can be stored. The possible value for the type are: user - A different external ID will be generated for each user, and org - All the users in the org will have a common external ID. Refer here for more information. Supported field data type is text.
Field Types: Data Types and Length Limits
The table below presents a list of field types, their corresponding data types, and the associated length limits:
Field Type | Field Data Type (Example: "data_type": "text") | Number of characters allowed for a field ( Example: "length": 150) |
Text | text | 1 to 255 |
Text Area | textarea | 2000 or 32000 or 50000 |
1 to 100 | ||
Phone | phone | 1 to 30 |
Integer | integer | 1 to 9 |
Auto Number | autonumber | 1 to 255 |
Currency | currency | 1 to 16 |
Percent | percent | 1 to 5 |
BigInt | bigint | 1 to 18 |
Double | double | 1 to 18 |
Website | website | 1 to 450 |
File Upload | fileupload | 1 or 5 |
Image Upload | imageupload | 1 to 10 |
- The same sample input format is applicable to the datatypes email and phone, supporting both the static_text and info_icon values for the tooltip key.
- The fields will be created in your standard layout.
- A maximum of five fields can be created in a single API call.
- The filterable key is supported for all datatypes except imageupload, fileupload, textarea, and formula when its return_type is text.
- The data types email and textarea do not support external fields.
- In the tooltip key, the static_text value is limited to 35 characters, and the info_icon value is limited to 255 characters.
- You can create a maximum of two unique fields per module in all the editions.
- You can create a maximum of one Auto-Number field in a module.
- You cannot create an external field for Calls module.
- The maximum number of custom fields possible varies depending on the CRM edition.
- Standard - Maximum of 10 fields per module.
- Professional - Maximum of 155 fields per module.
- Enterprise - Maximum of 300 fields per module.
- Ultimate - Maximum of 500 fields per module.
Please refer to this document to know more about the custom fields limits based on different editions.
Sample Input : Field Type - Text
"fields": [
"field_label": "Your Name",
"data_type": "text", // Specify the data type as text*
"length": 150,
"filterable": true,
"tooltip": {
"name": "static_text",
"value": "Enter your name"
"profiles": [
"id": "2423488000000015972",
"permission_type": "read_write"
"id": "2423488000000015975",
"permission_type": "read_only"
"external": {
"type": "user",
"show": false
"crypt": {
"mode": "decryption"
Sample Response
"fields": [
"code": "SUCCESS",
"details": {
"id": "111112000000067259"
"message": "field created",
"status": "success"
Sample successful response for a single field creation.
Input JSON Keys for "Text Area" ("data_type": "textarea")
- textareaJSON object, mandatory
It is a multi-line text area field that allows you to add additional information to the record. The following represents the possible values of type key, along with its allowed characters.
- small - It is a text area type that allows upto 2000 characters.
- large - It is a text area type that allows upto 32000 characters.
- rich_text - It is a text area type that allows up to 50000 characters.
- The tooltip key only supports both the info_icon value and static_text value.
Sample Input : Field Type - Text Area
"fields": [
"field_label": "Name",
"data_type": "textarea",
"length" : 50000,
"textarea": {
"type": "rich_text"
"tooltip": {
"name": "static_text",
"value": "Enter your name"
"profiles": [
"id": "2423488000000015972",
"permission_type": "read_write"
"id": "2423488000000015975",
"permission_type": "read_write"
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Sample Response
"fields": [
"code": "SUCCESS",
"details": {
"id": "111112000000067259"
"message": "field created",
"status": "success"
Input JSON Keys for "Email" ("data_type": "email")
- hipaa_compliance_enabledboolean, optional
This key helps you decide how you want to manage and process health related data of your customers to comply with HIPAA. To use this key, please enable it through the UI. For that, Go to Setup > Security Control > Compliance Setting > HIPAA Compliance.
- privateJSON object, optional
This key decide how you want to handle, manage, and process personal data of your customers to comply with GDPR for your organization. To use this key, please enable it through the UI. For that, Go to Setup > Security Control > Compliance Setting > GDPR Compliance.
Possible values for the type : Low and High.
- The hipaa_compliance_enabled and private keys support all field data types.
Sample Input: Field Type - Email
"fields": [
"field_label": "Email address",
"data_type": "email", // Specify the data type as email*
"length": 100,
"tooltip": {
"name": "static_text",
"value": "Enter email address"
"crypt": {
"mode": "decryption"
"unique": {
"case_sensitive": false
"hipaa_compliance_enabled": true,
"private": {
"type": "High"
Input JSON Keys for "Picklist Field" ("data_type": "picklist"), "Multi-select Picklist Field" ("data_type": "multiselectpicklist"), and "Global PickList Field" ("data_type": "picklist")
For picklist field, the value of data_type should be picklist. For multiselect picklist field, the value of data_type should be multiselectpicklist. Refer to the sample input for more details.
- pick_list_valuesJSON array, mandatory
It represents the values or options of the picklist field.
- display_valuestring, mandatory
The unique display value for the picklist, which will be displayed in the CRM UI.
- actual_valuestring, mandatory
The unique reference value associated with the particular option.
- pick_list_values_sorted_lexicallyboolean, optional
It represents the sort order preference for the global set values.
Possible values are : true - alphabetical order, false - given order. The default value is false. - enable_colour_codeboolean, optional
Specify whether to enable color for the picklist options. The default value is false.
- global_picklistJSON object, optional (mandatory while associate a global picklist)
Use this key to associate a global picklist to a module.
- idstring, mandatory
Represents the unique ID of the global picklist. Get your Global Picklist IDs and other related details here.
- The tooltip key for picklist (including global picklist), and multiselectpicklist fields data type supports only info_icon value.
Sample Input: Field Type - Picklist and Global Picklist
"fields": [
"field_label": "Select Region",
"data_type": "picklist", // Specify the data type as picklist*
"tooltip": {
"name": "info_icon",
"value": "Select your region here"
"profiles": [
"id": "111116000000000421",
"permission_type": "read_write"
"id": "111116000000000423",
"permission_type": "read_only"
"pick_list_values": [
"display_value": "East",
"actual_value": "IN_East"
"display_value": "West",
"actual_value": "IN_West"
"display_value": "North",
"actual_value": "IN_North"
"display_value": "South",
"actual_value": "IN_South"
"pick_list_values_sorted_lexically": true,
"enable_colour_code": true
//Associating a Global Picklist below:
"field_label": "Source",
"data_type": "picklist", // to associate a global picklist, use the data type as "picklist"
"global_picklist": {
"id": "2423488000000492003" //ID of the global picklist
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Sample Input: Field Type - Multi-select Picklist
"fields": [
"field_label": "Preferred working days",
"data_type": "multiselectpicklist", // Specify the data type as multiselectpicklist*
//"length": 25,
"tooltip": {
"name": "info_icon",
"value": "Select your region here"
"profiles": [
"id": "111116000000000421",
"permission_type": "read_only"
"id": "111116000000000423",
"permission_type": "hidden"
"pick_list_values": [
"display_value": "Monday",
"actual_value": "1"
"display_value": "Tuesday",
"actual_value": "2"
"display_value": "Wednesday",
"actual_value": "3"
"display_value": "Thursday",
"actual_value": "4"
"display_value": "Friday",
"actual_value": "5"
"pick_list_values_sorted_lexically": true,
"enable_colour_code": true
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Field Types: "Date" ("data_type": "date") and "DateTime" ("data_type": "datetime")
The tooltip key only supports the info_icon value for Date and DateTime fields.
Sample Inputs : Field Types - Date and Date Time
"fields": [
"field_label": "Date of birth",
"data_type": "date", // Specify the data type as date*
"tooltip": {
"name": "info_icon",
"value": "Select date of birth"
"profiles": [
"id": "111116000000000421",
"permission_type": "read_only"
"id": "111116000000000423",
"permission_type": "read_only"
"crypt": {
"mode": "decryption"
"field_label": "Time of birth",
"data_type": "datetime", // Specify the data type as datetime*
"tooltip": {
"name": "info_icon",
"value": "Select date of birth"
"profiles": [
"id": "111116000000000421",
"permission_type": "read_only"
"id": "111116000000000423",
"permission_type": "read_only"
"crypt": {
"mode": "decryption"
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Sample Response
"fields": [
"code": "SUCCESS",
"details": {
"id": "111116000000067232"
"message": "field created",
"status": "success"
"code": "SUCCESS",
"details": {
"id": "111116000000067238"
"message": "field created",
"status": "success"
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Sample successful response for multiple fields creation in a single API call.
Input JSON Key for "Integer Field" ("data_type": "integer")
- separatorboolean, optional
Represents whether to display the number in a formatted view for better readability, or not. The number format can be customized for each user in the Personal Settings. The default value is true.
- The tooltip key supports both the static_text value and info_icon value.
Sample Input : Field Type - Integer
"fields": [
"field_label": "Monthly salary",
"data_type": "integer", // Specify the data type as integer*
"length": 9,
"tooltip": {
"name": "static_text",
"value": "Enter salary"
"profiles": [
"id": "111116000000000421",
"permission_type": "read_write"
"id": "111116000000000423",
"permission_type": "read_only"
"unique": {
"case_sensitive": false
"crypt": {
"mode": "encryption"
"separator": true
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Input JSON Keys for "Auto Number" ("data_type": "autonumber")
- auto_numberJSON object, mandatory
Contains the details of the auto number field.
- start_numberinteger, mandatory
It specifies the starting number for the auto number sequence.
- prefixstring, optional
It represents the prefix value to be added to the autonumber field value.
- suffixstring, optional
It represents the suffix value to be added to the autonumber field value.
- _update_existing_recordsboolean, object
Specify whether the existing auto-number records should be replaced with new auto-numbers of the specified format or not. Default value is false.
- The tooltip key for autonumber field supports only the info_icon value.
Sample Input: Field Type - Auto Number
"fields": [
"field_label": "Employee Identification number",
"data_type": "autonumber", // Specify the data type as autonumber*
"length": 255,
"tooltip": {
"name": "info_icon",
"value": "Your Employee ID"
"profiles": [
"id": "111116000000000421",
"permission_type": "read_write"
"id": "111116000000000423",
"permission_type": "read_only"
"auto_number": {
"start_number": 1000,
"prefix": "Emp",
"suffix": "_IN"
"_update_existing_records": false
Input JSON Keys for "Formula" ("data_type": "formula")
- formulaJSON object, mandatory
Contains the details of the formula field, including the return type and the expression.
- return_typestring, optional
Specify the return type for the formula field. Possible values are : double, currency, text, date, datetime, and boolean.
- expressionstring, mandatory
Specify the formula expression. Please refer here to learn more about formula expressions, and how to draft them.
- decimal_placeinteger, optional
The number of decimal places for the formula field. This is valid for double and currency return types. Possible values are from 0 to 9, both inclusive.
- number_separatorboolean, optional
Specify whether to display the field value in formatted view. The default value is true.
- The Formula field supports only the info_icon value for the tooltip key.
Sample Input: Field Type: Formula
"fields": [
"field_label": "Formula Decimal",
"data_type": "formula",
"length": "100000000",
"profiles": [
"id": "2309216000000015972",
"permission_type": "read_write"
"formula": {
"return_type": "double",
"expression": "Sqrt(Len(${Email}))"
"decimal_place": 7,
"number_separator": true
Input JSON Keys for "Currency" ("data_type": "currency")
- currencyJSON object, mandatory
The object containing the currency specific details for the field.
- rounding_optionstring, mandatory
Specify the rounding option for the currency field.
Possible rounding options:
- normal - No rounding operations involved.
- round_off - Rounds the decimal part to the nearest whole number based on the specified precision.
For example, for a decimal_value of 3 and precision 2:
1234.567 rounds down to 1234.57
1234.123 rounds down to 1234.12 - round_up - Rounds the decimal part up to the nearest whole number based on the specified precision.
For example, for a decimal_value of 2 and precision 2:
1234.567 rounds down to 1234.57
1234.123 rounds down to 1234.13 - round_down - Rounds the decimal part down the nearest whole number based on the specified precision.
For example, for a decimal_value of 2 and precision 2:
1234.567 rounds down to 1234.56
1234.123 rounds down to 1234.12
- precisioninteger, optional
Represents the number of decimal places displayed for the currency value in the user interface. This value should be less than decimal_place
Example: Currency value: $123.466, the precision value is set to 2, the final currency value will be $123.47. (Note: "rounding_option" : "round_up").
- decimal_placeinteger, optional
Defines the maximum numberof decimal places allowed for storing currency values in the field. This value cannot exceed 9. Values exceeding the set decimal_place will be truncated during storage.
- The filterable key is not supported for the formula datatype when its return_type is text.
- The precision value for currency should be less than the decimal_place.
- The tooltip key supports only the info_icon value.
- Maximum value for decimal_place is 9.
Sample Input: Field Type: Currency
"fields": [
"field_label": "Bonus",
"data_type": "currency", // Specify the data type as currency*
"length": 16,
"tooltip": {
"name": "info_icon",
"value": "Bonus Amount"
"profiles": [
"id": "111116000000000421",
"permission_type": "read_write"
"id": "111116000000000423",
"permission_type": "read_only"
"crypt": {
"mode": "encryption"
"decimal_place": 5,
"currency": {
"rounding_option": "round_up",
"precision": 3
Field Types: Percent, BigInt, Double, Website, and Boolean
- The data types Percent, Big Int, Double, Boolean, and Website support both the static_text and info_icon values for the tooltip key.
- Ensure that the decimal value is less than the provided length value in the input.
Sample Inputs : Field Types: Percent, BigInt, Double, Website, and Boolean
"fields": [
"field_label": "Percent marks in qualifying exam",
"data_type": "percent", // Specify the data type as percent*
"length": 5,
"tooltip": {
"name": "static_text",
"value": "Your marks"
"profiles": [
"id": "111116000000000421",
"permission_type": "read_write"
"id": "111116000000000423",
"permission_type": "read_only"
"field_label": "Enrollment number",
"data_type": "bigint", // Specify the data type as bigint*
"length": 18,
"tooltip": {
"name": "static_text",
"value": "Enrollment no."
"profiles": [
"id": "111116000000000421",
"permission_type": "read_write"
"id": "111116000000000423",
"permission_type": "read_only"
"crypt": {
"mode": "decryption"
"separator": true
"field_label": "annualrevenue",
"data_type": "double", // Specify the data type as double*
"length": 16,
"tooltip": {
"name": "static_text",
"value": "annual revenue"
"profiles": [
"id": "111116000000000421",
"permission_type": "read_write"
"id": "111116000000000423",
"permission_type": "read_only"
"crypt": {
"mode": "decryption"
"separator": true,
"decimal_place": 9
"field_label": "Website",
"data_type": "website", // Specify the data type as website*
"length": 450,
"tooltip": {
"name": "static_text",
"value": "Your Website"
"profiles": [
"id": "111116000000000421",
"permission_type": "read_write"
"id": "111116000000000423",
"permission_type": "read_only"
"crypt": {
"mode": "decryption"
"field_label": "Prefer to work overseas?",
"data_type": "boolean", // Specify the data type as boolean*
"tooltip": {
"name": "info_icon",
"value": "Prefer to work overseas?"
"profiles": [
"id": "111116000000000421",
"permission_type": "read_write"
"id": "111116000000000423",
"permission_type": "read_only"
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A Maximum of 5 fields can be created in a single API call.
Sample Response
"fields": [
"code": "SUCCESS",
"details": {
"id": "111116000000067722"
"message": "field created",
"status": "success"
"code": "SUCCESS",
"details": {
"id": "111116000000067728"
"message": "field created",
"status": "success"
"code": "SUCCESS",
"details": {
"id": "111116000000067734"
"message": "field created",
"status": "success"
"code": "SUCCESS",
"details": {
"id": "111116000000067740"
"message": "field created",
"status": "success"
"code": "SUCCESS",
"details": {
"id": "111116000000067761"
"message": "field created",
"status": "success"
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Field Types: "File Upload" ("data_type": "fileupload") and "Image Upload" ("data_type": "imageupload")
- The data types File Upload and Image Upload support only the info_icon value for the tooltip key.
- The length of the file upload data type should either be 1 or 5.
- The image upload data type allows for a maximum of 10 images.
Sample Inputs : Field Types: File Upload, and Image Upload
"fields": [
"field_label": "Upload Files",
"data_type": "fileupload", // Specify the data type as fileupload*
"length": 5, //"length" : 1 or 5
"tooltip": {
"name": "info_icon",
"value": "Upload Files"
"profiles": [
"id": "111116000000000421",
"permission_type": "read_write"
"field_label": "Image Upload",
"data_type": "imageupload", // Specify the data type as imageupload*
"length": 5, // "length" : 1 to 10
"tooltip": {
"name": "info_icon",
"value": "Upload Files"
"profiles": [
"id": "111116000000000421",
"permission_type": "read_write"
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Input JSON Keys for "Lookup Field" ("data_type": "lookup")
- lookupJSON object, mandatory
Lookup fields allows you to associate records from different modules with your current module. The lookup JSON object contains the details of the field being created.
- modulestring, mandatory
Specify the module API name of the module to be associated via the lookup field. Use the Modules API to get the module API names.
- display_labelstring, mandatory
It represents the display label of the lookup field in the related list.
- revalidate_filter_during_editboolean , optional
Specify whether to revalidate the filters during edit. When the value is set to true, the pre-defined condition with the lookup filter will be checked during record creation and updation.
- query_detailsJSON object , optional
Specify the criteria for filtering the records in the lookup field.
- criteriaJSON object , mandatory when the query_details JSON object is specified
It represents the criteria for filtering records.
- group_operatorstring , optional (it is mandatory to specify when there are more than one condition)
Specifies the group operator used in the criteria (e.g., AND, OR).
- groupJSON array
It represents the group of criteria for filtering records.
- fieldJSON object
It represents the API name of the field in the target module.
- comparatorstring
It represents the comparison operator used in the criterion (e.g., contains and not_equal).
- valuestring
It represents the value used in the criterion. Check the sample input section for reference.
Input JSON Keys for "User Lookup" ("data_type": "userlookup")
- sharing_propertiesJSON object, optional
Specify if the user has access to the records that the field associates to.
- share_preference_enabledboolean, mandatory (It is mandatory when the "sharing_properties" JSON object is specified)
It represents whether share preferences are enabled (true), or disabled (false) for the field.
- share_permissionboolean, mandatory (It is mandatory when the "sharing_properties" JSON object is specified)
It represents the sharing permission for the field.
Possible values:- full-access
- read-write
- read-only
- The Lookup data type supports both the info_icon and static_text values for the tooltip key.
- The User Lookup data type supports only the info_icon value for the tooltip key.
Sample Input : Field Types - Lookup, and User Lookup
"fields": [
"field_label": "Contact Lookup",
"data_type": "lookup", // Specify the data type as lookup*
"tooltip": {
"name": "static_text",
"value": "Linked Lead"
"lookup": {
"module": {
"id": "111116000000002399",
"api_name": "Contacts"
"display_label": "Contact Lookup",
"revalidate_filter_during_edit": true,
"query_details": {
"criteria": {
"group_operator": "AND",
"group": [
"field": {
"api_name": "Employee_Identification_number"
"comparator": "contains",
"value": "Emp1000_IN"
"field": {
"api_name": "Lead_Source"
"comparator": "equal",
"value": [
"field": {
"api_name": "Phone"
"comparator": "contains",
"value": "91"
"field_label": "UserLink",
"data_type": "userlookup", // Specify the data type as userlookup*
"tooltip": {
"name": "info_icon",
"value": "Linked user"
"lookup": {
"revalidate_filter_during_edit": true,
"query_details": {
"criteria": {
"group_operator": "AND",
"group": [
"field": {
"api_name": "city"
"comparator": "equal",
"value": "Chennai"
"field": {
"api_name": "country"
"comparator": "equal",
"value": [
"field": {
"api_name": "mobile"
"comparator": "contains",
"value": "91"
"field": {
"api_name": "email"
"comparator": "contains",
"value": "gmail"
"sharing_properties": {
"share_preference_enabled": true,
"share_permission": "read-only"
Possible Errors
- Given data seems to be invalid
- The given profile ID seems to be invalid
- Specify a valid data in the input. Please refer above to the Input JSON Keys.
- Specify a valid profile ID.
- The given length value seems to be invalid.
- The dependent fields seems to be invalid or missing
- The value given in the length attribute is invalid, or the value is larger than the actual limit. Please refer to the Field Types: Data Types and Length Limits to know more about the limits.
- Specify all required valid dependent fields along with their corresponding values.
The field has reached its maximum creation limit
Resolution:You have already created the maximum possible custom fields. Please refer here to know about the limits in detail.
One or more dependent fields are missing
Resolution: Specify all the dependent fields in the input body. Please refer above to the Input JSON Keys. - EXPECTED_FIELD_MISSINGHTTP 404
One or more expected fields missing
Resolution: Specify the dependent keys of a field. Refer above to the Input JSON Keys. - AMBIGUITY_DURING_PROCESSINGHTTP 400
- The ID given in the request body does not belong to the respective module which you are trying to create.
- Cannot provide both picklist options and global set
- Specify the required field with its valid module API name and ID.
- Please specify the global picklist JSON object. You cannot simultaneously provide both the picklist options JSON array and the global picklist JSON object.
Either global_picklist or picklist values is expected
Resolution:Provide dependent fields to create a picklist or global picklist field in a layout. Refer to the Create Custom Field API for more information.
- Duplicate field label
- Duplicate display_value has been found among the picklist options
- Duplicate API name has been found for a field creation
- The field label seems to be a duplicate. Specify a unique field label.
- One or more picklist option values have been found to be the same. Please specify a unique display value.
- Specify a unique API name for a field.
Required fields not found
Resolution: One or more mandatory fields are missing for the fields you are trying to create. Please refer above to the Input JSON Keys. - RESERVED_KEYWORD_NOT_ALLOWEDHTTP 400
System-defined keywords not allowed in the API name
Resolution: Specify a non-system-defined keyword for the API name. - NOT_ALLOWEDHTTP 400
The filterable key is not allowed for the field datatype you create.
Resolution: Specify the filterable key only for the supported datatypes. The following datatypes do not support the filterable key: textarea, imageupload, and fileupload. - NOT_ALLOWEDHTTP 400
External field is not allowed for module Calls.
Required parameter is missing
Resolution: Please specify the module parameter and its corresponding value.
The http request method type is not a valid one
Resolution: You have specified an invalid HTTP method to access the API URL. Specify a valid request method. Refer to the endpoints section above. - OAUTH_SCOPE_MISMATCHHTTP 401
Resolution: The client does not have a valid scope to create custom fields. Create a new token with valid scope. Refer to scope section above. - AUTHENTICATION_FAILUREHTTP 401
Authentication failed
Resolution: Pass the access token in the request header of the API call. - NOT_SUPPORTEDHTTP 403
Encryptions is not supported for the requested data type
Resolution:The requested field type is not supported for the crypt key. Please specify the allowed field data types. Please refer the crypt key in the above Input JSON Keys to know the allowed field data types.
Please check if the URL trying to access is a correct one
Resolution: The request URL specified is incorrect. Specify a valid request URL.Refer to the request URL section above. - INTERNAL_ERRORHTTP 500
Internal Server Error
Resolution: Unexpected and unhandled exception in the server. Contact support team.
Sample Response
"fields": [
"code": "SUCCESS",
"details": {
"id": "111116000000067321"
"message": "field created",
"status": "success"
"code": "SUCCESS",
"details": {
"id": "111116000000067241"
"message": "field created",
"status": "success"