- Overview
- What's New in V4?
- Changelog
- API Collection
- OAuth Authentication
- API Limits
- Multi DC
- Increase API Credits
- Customize API Usage Notification
- GDPR Compliance
- HIPAA Compliance
- API Dashboard
- Common Errors
- HTTP Request Methods
- Entity APIs
- Organization
- Users
- Records
- Records APIs using External ID
- Meeting Cancel
- Subforms
- Linking Modules
- Related Records
- Related Records using External ID
- Blueprint
- Notes
- Emails
- Contact Roles
- Photos and Attachments
- Mass Update
- Mass Delete
- Currencies
- Files
- Share
- Fields' Attachments
- Change Owner
- Mass Change Owner
- Metadata APIs
- Composite API
- Bulk APIs
- Notification APIs
- Query API
Incremental Authorization
Incremental Authorization is an OAuth strategy that allows a client to request specific authorization scopes as and when needed. This means that the client does not have to request every possible scope that might be needed upfront, which might result in a bad user experience. Incremental Authorization is considered a best practice in Oauth Authorization Request as:
- Users are not overloaded with scopes in the initial stage
- Users can control the amount of data they share
For detailed information on implementing incremental authorization in your application, refer to the Zoho Accounts Incremental Authorization page.
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