Get Users' Unavailability
To get the details of a user's unavailability. Admin users can get the details of all users, whereas non-admin users can get only the details of their own records.
Request Details
Request URL
All - {api-domain}/crm/{version}/settings/users_unavailability
Specific - {api-domain}/crm/{version}/settings/users_unavailability/{id}
Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken <access_token>
- group_idsstring, optional
The unique ID of the group that the user belongs to. To get the users from multiple groups, input their group IDs as comma-separated values. Example: group_ids=111999xxx0000,111xxxxx889966.
- role_idsstring, optional
The unique ID of the role that the user belongs to. To get the users from multiple roles, input their role IDs as comma-separated values. Example: role_ids=4678xxx0000,5678xxxxx966.
- territory_idsstring, optional
The unique ID of the territory that the user is a part of. To get the users belonging to multiple territories, input their territory IDs as comma-separated values. Example: territory_ids=3546xxx0000,4657xxxxx966.
- include_inner_detailsstring, optional
Use this parameter with the value user.zuid to get the user's ZUID in the response.
- filtersJSON object, optional
The criteria to filter the users based on the time period they will be unavailable. You can filter based on groups and comparators as follows:
group - Contains the comparator, value and the API name of the field based on which you want to filter the results. The allowed comparators are equals, not_equals, between, greater_than, greater_equal, less_than, and less_equal.
group_operator - The operator and or or.
Sample Request
Copiedcurl "{"comparator":"equal","field":{"api_name":"to"},"value":"2021-02-18T03:30:00-11:00"}&include_inner_details=user.zuid"
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
Response JSON Keys
- commentsstring
The comment that the users added while marking themselves unavailable.
- fromstring
The date and time in the ISO8601 format that the user will be unavailable from.
- tostring
The date and time in the ISO8601 format that the user will be unavailable to.
- idstring
The unique ID of the record.
- userJSON object
The name and ID of the user whose unavailability you fetched. If you include the parameter include_inner_details in the request, the zuid of the user will also be included in this object.
- infoJSON object
Contains per_page(the number of records displayed per page), page(the page number of the current response), count(the number of records displayed in the response), and more_records(Boolean fields that represents whether there are more records available on other pages).
Possible Errors
There are no records available.
Resolution: Create a record to mark a user's unavailability. - INVALID_REQUEST_METHODHTTP 400
You have used an invalid HTTP method to access this API.
Resolution: Use the correct HTTP method.
Sample Response
"users_unavailability": [
"comments": "Unavailable",
"from": "2021-02-18T02:30:00-11:00",
"id": "554xxx01",
"to": "2021-02-18T03:30:00-11:00",
"user": {
"name": "Patricia Boyle",
"id": "554xxx11",
"zuid": "56xxx8"
"info": {
"per_page": 200,
"count": 1,
"page": 1,
"more_records": false