- Overview
- What's New in V4?
- Changelog
- API Collection
- OAuth Authentication
- API Limits
- Multi DC
- Increase API Credits
- Customize API Usage Notification
- GDPR Compliance
- HIPAA Compliance
- API Dashboard
- Common Errors
- HTTP Request Methods
- Entity APIs
- Organization
- Users
- Records
- Records APIs using External ID
- Meeting Cancel
- Subforms
- Linking Modules
- Related Records
- Related Records using External ID
- Blueprint
- Notes
- Emails
- Contact Roles
- Photos and Attachments
- Mass Update
- Mass Delete
- Currencies
- Files
- Share
- Fields' Attachments
- Change Owner
- Mass Change Owner
- Metadata APIs
- Composite API
- Bulk APIs
- Notification APIs
- Query API
Data Backup API
The Data Backup feature allows users with Administrator privileges to take a complete backup of the CRM data including attachments, through an API. The backed up data is available as a CSV file in a downloadable ZIP file. You can also choose to download the backup instantly or schedule it to take place at a specific time of your choice.
The maximum size for the zip file is 1GB. If the data or attachment backup for the account exceeds 1GB, it will be available as multiple files of maximum 1GB size. You can fetch the download URLs for the files using the Get the backup download URLs API.
The number of allowed back ups for an organization depends on your CRM's edition.
Profile Permission Required
Users under the Administrator profile can access this feature.
Through the Data Backup APIs, you can
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