Global healthcare company secures their business health with Zoho CRM

"Our business is a bit like a Ferrari engine; if there's a spark plug missing in that engine, the whole thing doesn't work and it misfires. So every piece of the engine is very important. Zoho enables us to connect all the teams together and provide us with the tools to deliver excellence, which we think is fantastic"

James MathewsCEO, Men's Health Clinic

The company

Established in 2012, Men's Health Clinic (MHC) has emerged as an international leader in the healthcare sector, providing customised treatments to men suffering from a variety of sexual dysfunction challenges. Originally founded in Sydney, Australia, the global clinical team understands the confidence-killing stigma associated with these conditions and prides themselves on providing the highest level of integrity, coupled with outstanding patient care.

While MHC provides sexually conscientious men with a reliable solution for the short-term, they've also collected raving fans over the years in men who now enjoy a full rehabilitation over the long-term, and have assisted thankful couples in conceiving and starting their families—of which they are immensely proud. Restoring a man's confidence in most cases reestablishes intimacy in the relationship and remains MHC's main goal. Their success has resulted in the expansion of their clinical operation into the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand.

The organisation also offers customised treatments for chronic pain via their subsidiary company, Pain Clinic Australia (PCA), with patients reporting how PCA has helped pain sufferers return to work—often pain free, or having broken an opioid addiction—all thanks to PCA.

The challenge

Men's Health Clinic has always maintained the importance of a robust and reliable CRM system to streamline and enhance the patient lifecycle, from the first time a prospect views an online advertisement until the end of the patient journey. The company has always needed to manage customer expectations carefully and provide "the MHC experience" every step of the way.

Given that the CRM would also be handling patients' sensitive personal and medical information, MHC were particular in choosing a software provider who prioritises privacy and data security. They required a CRM system that would not only assist the patient care team in monitoring patients' performance results but also provide consistent analyses of the global sales team's productivity and performance. Moreover, with telehealth increasingly emerging as a trend, MHC needed a CRM that they could eventually scale up as their business continued to thrive.

The solution

Privacy and security

Various departmental groups work with Men's Health Clinic's patients, including the sales team, doctors, nutritionists, case managers, and performance managers. Accordingly, one of the main decision-making factors for MHC was ultimately the security of patient data. Zoho has been able to deliver this by restricting access to certain information to only selected users—thus keeping data safe from exposure to unauthorised users, even if they're internal users. When data needs to be shared externally to a party outside the organisation, Zoho CRM exports records so they can be shared with the external party securely.

Additionally, Zoho provides audit logs, which help the team track all actions each user performs on any given record, and can therefore trace issues back to their root causes.

Patient privacy is of utmost importance to us, as well as being a requirement under the law. One of the reasons we've selected Zoho is for its ability to be in the cloud, to be protected, and to have the security functions that are built into it.

Malcolm BrownCOO, Men's Health Clinic

Comprehensive business operations achieved using Zoho CRM integrations

Zoho CRM serves as the central nervous system of the entire business operation at Men's Health Clinic. Its easily configurable, out-of-the-box integration capabilities have helped the team integrate their CRM environment with multiple Zoho and third-party applications.

Zoho CRM's SalesIQ integration helps the sales team interact with customers visiting MHC's website and answer their questions on the spot. The platform's integration with Acuity helps the sales team book and manage customer meetings. They've integrated Ring Central—a telephony system—to make the sales team's jobs easier by helping them dial numbers more easily and record notes in the CRM. With this integration in place, the team can simply click a button and call the customer from their CRM while the telephony system records each conversation.

Once a customer is ready to commence treatment, MHC's performance team sends a digital document containing terms and conditions, payment term details, treatment timeframes, and details to read and approve. They use Zoho Sign to obtain customer signatures and document approvals, which is then synced back into Zoho CRM for record-keeping.

MHC believes a happy customer is a business's best advocate; hence, they're very keen on distributing feedback surveys. Upon the completion of the treatment process, MHC shares a a survey form with patients using Zoho Survey. This data is then synced back into Zoho CRM, which helps the team gauge the impact of the treatment on the patient and identify the patient's level of satisfaction.

Customised payment gateways in Zoho CRM

Along with ASN Business Solutions, Men's Health Clinic has used Zoho CRM to develop a customised payment gateway that helps customers select the most appropriate payment gateway given their geographical locations—for example, Commonwealth for Australian customers and Stripe for Canadians.

Additionally, it's been a huge help for the sales team in processing customers' payments. Their CRM has a custom button which, when clicked, requires that they add certain details, like which product they want to sell, the treatment start date, and others. It then automatically fills in certain information, like the treatment end date and the total amount the patient needs to pay. The sales team can then enter the patient's card details and initiate the payment; once approved by the patient, Zoho CRM automatically marks the payment as completed and creates an account and deal record for that particular patient. This process ensures that deals are only created when MHC has received payments from patients.

The payment portal also has an EFT payment option for patients who aren't comfortable sharing their card details. In this case, customers send money to MHC's account and share screenshots with the sales team. When initiating the payment, the sales team chooses EFT and then uploads the screenshot for approval from the finance team.
Upon the payment completion, Zoho CRM pushes the data to Zoho Books, which records the transaction automatically without any manual entry.

Automating repetitive tasks with workflow rules

Men's Health Clinic has automated multiple business processes to increase the efficiency of the entire system, including lead collection, lead management, lead nurturing, timely patient follow-ups, and report generation. Zoho CRM is connected to all of MHC's lead-generating platforms using APIs, which helps them automatically capture lead details in the CRM. Workflow rules help the sales team and performance managers ensure timely follow-ups with patients via automated email triggers or call reminders.

Zoho CRM also generates reports for management and the sales team to help them gauge performance and track business health.

  • Industry typeHealthcare
  • Employees201-500
  • Type of businessB2C

Looking forward

With their 100% adoption rate, Men's Health Clinic is very confident in their partnership with Zoho and aims to open up new markets with the help of additional Zoho applications.

"In addition to being the continued solution for our existing markets, Zoho will also be the solution to open a new market," says Malcolm Brown, COO at Men's Health Clinic. "We can proudly say that it will be the tool that we will use for the coming years for sure."

Today MHC uses more than 10 applications from Zoho One and looks forward to exploring Zoho People to manage their employees.

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