Upgrading Users & Customer Portal to Creator 5
- About the upgrade
- Prerequisites
- How to upgrade
- Restrictions during the upgrade
- Implications of the upgrade
About the upgrade
Zoho Creator 5 is an advanced version of Creator that empowers you to build custom web and mobile applications for organizations of all sizes. To ensure that you will continue to get the best user experience in Zoho Creator, we will be rolling out an upgrade for Users and Customer Portal to Creator 5.
In order to upgrade Users and Customer Portal for applications to the new sharing model in C5, you need to upgrade them individually for each of the apps present in your account. During the upgrade, you will be shown a preview of how the Users and Customer Portal permissions, as well as other configurations, will be mapped after upgrade in C5. You can choose to confirm and proceed with the upgrade after you have reviewed the C5 preview. This preview step has been implemented to ensure there is no significant disruption to your organization's functioning. It is highly recommended that you read the Restrictions and Implications of the upgrade before initiating the upgrade process.
To be eligible for the C5 upgrade, it's important to fulfill specific prerequisites.
- If there are inactive profiles within an account, it would be ineligible for the C5 upgrade. It is essential to remove all inactive profiles to meet the eligibility criteria.
How to upgrade
To upgrade to Users and Customer Portal to C5:
- Navigate to the Account setup page.
- Click the Updates option under General.
- On the Updates page, Users and Customer Portal upgrade will be displayed. Choose the Get started button next to the upgrade.
- The upgrade page will be displayed, and you'll be shown a list of applications in the account that are still in the C4 sharing model.
For apps in which you are the app admin, the Upgrade button will be displayed. For other apps, the Notify button will be shown. Clicking this will notify the app admin about the pending upgrade via email. - The Status column will display Not Initiated or In Progress based on the status of the upgrade. Upon completion of the upgrade, the app will be removed from the list.
Further, You can utilize the two filters provided to sort applications based on their status (Not initiated and In progress) or based on ownership (owned by me and owned by others). - Navigate to the required app and click the Upgrade button.
- You'll be taken to the Users section under the Settings page of that particular application. Click Upgrade in the top banner to initiate the upgrade process.Note: Only the app admin will be able to proceed with the upgrade. The Upgrade button will not be visible to developers.
Clicking on the Manage users in old version button will take you to the C4 Application Settings page. - Once you click the Upgrade, you'll be shown the confirmation popup. To initiate the process, click on I Understand, Proceed.
- Upon proceeding with the upgrade, you will be shown a preview of the Users and Customer Portal in C5. You can confirm the upgrade after reviewing the preview.Note: You won't be able to make any changes to Users and Customer Portal until you confirm the upgrade. We highly recommend that you read and understand Restrictions during the upgrade before proceeding further.
- All the users (shared users and profile users from C4) will be mapped to new permission sets in C5 and displayed.
- The Permission Details option provides you with a detailed document containing the permissions the user gets in C4 and C5. Each user will have a Permission Details document that details the access permissions they had in C4 and the permissions that they will have in C5.
- The Export and send permission details - All users will provide you with a detailed document containing the permissions all the users get in C4 and C5.
- Similarly, the list of customers and their new permissions will be displayed under the Customer Portal page.
- After previewing the Users and Customer Portal in C5, you can confirm the upgrade.Note:
- This upgrade process is irreversible and cannot be undone.
- Both Users and Customer Portal will be upgraded simultaneously.
Restrictions during the upgrade
When the upgrade process is underway, the Creator will apply a set of restrictions on some functionalities in order to seamlessly complete the upgrade process. These restrictions come into effect once you click the Upgrade button as mentioned in Step 6 above. The restrictions are as follows:- You will not be able to perform any operations in the Users and Customer Portal sections until you confirm the upgrade.
- You will only be able to view the permissions and other configurations in both the old version and in the C5 preview. However, you will not be able to modify permissions and other configurations during the upgrade.
- The following Deluge tasks will be skipped and will not be executed when the upgradation is in progress
- thisapp.permissions.assignUserInProfile(<email_ID>, <profile_name>, [<notification>]);
- thisapp.permissions.deleteUser( <Email_ID> );
- thisapp.portal.assignUserInProfile(<email_ID>, <profile_name>);
- thisapp.portal.deleteUser( <Email_ID> );
- share <component-type>(<component name>, <email>);
- unshare <component-type>(<component name>, <email>);
- User management operations related to the application being migrated through Zoho One or Zoho Directory will not work.
- New users will not be able to sign up to the Customer Portal. Similarly, the existing users will not be able to change their email address.
Implications of the upgrade
Some features that are present in C4 may work differently or may not work after the upgrade. These have been categorized as 'Implications of the upgrade' and are listed below:
- The access permissions of each of the users (both shared user and users mapped to profiles) in the old version (C4) are evaluated and mapped to corresponding newly-created permission sets in Creator 5. So, there's a chance that users who belonged to the same profile in C4 might get mapped to different permission sets in C5 (if they have varying permissions under restrict visibility). Make sure to go through all the permission sets created in C5 in the preview.
- If a component has been directly shared with a user, as a result of using the Share option without assigning any profile, then after the upgrade the user will be assigned to the 'CEO' role.
- The following permissions defined under Restricted Visibility are given by default to users and customer portal users in Creator 5,
- Add record (permission given if the user has permission to add record)
- Duplicate record (permission given if the user has access to add record)
- Bulk Edit (permission given if the user has the access to edit the record)
- Import (permission given if the Import permission is given for the form)
- Export/Print (permission given if the Export permission is given for the form)
- Search (permission given if access permission to the report is given)
- In Creator 5, there is no sharing of application components with individual users directly. Rather, sharing is only possible through permission sets. In other words, users have to be assigned to permission sets that define the access permission to application components. This is why the Share and Unshare Deluge tasks will not work in the new sharing model in Creator 5. Instead, you can create new permission sets in C5 with the same permission to the component, and map the user to the permission set using the Assign profile to app user deluge task.
- Customer permission set with permissions to view all the components(forms, pages, and reports) in the application will be created and made as the default permission for Customer Portal upon upgradation. Review the permission details of the Customer permission set; you can modify the default permission set upon upgrade confirmation.