Understand users and groups

This help page is for users in Creator 5. If you are in the newer version (Creator 6), click here. Know your Creator version.

The User Management category in the Account Setup page has two tabs:


A User is an individual who has access to a Zoho Creator workspace and Zoho Creator Applications subject to permissions granted by the Application Owner. You (application owner) can add users to your account and set permissions for them. The number of users that you can add to your account depends on your subscription. For example, if you have subscribed to the Premium plan(10 users), then you can add a total of 9 users, one being yourself. You can provide the following permissions to your users.

  1. Create application - Permission to access and create application in your workspace/account
  2. Account setup - Permission to access your account setup section
  3. Subscription - Permission to access your subscription details

Below is an example of how the Users page will look.


On the other hand, the account setup page will also list the shared users when you share an application with them. You can revoke application access to shared users by deactivating them directly from the Users section. Learn how


Groups are an easy way to share apps with multiple users at once. You (application owner) can create groups, assign moderators, and add members to your groups. Also, you can join groups that you are invited to as a member. The Groups page of your Zoho account will list groups that you own and are a participant in. Below is an example of how the Groups page will look. Groups that you have created and have joined, will be displayed.

Imagine that you’ve created an Education Management app and that you want to share the Faculty Profile form in it with all the faculties in your institution. Instead of sharing the form individually with each faculty, you can create a group — say, Faculties — and share the form with this group instead. This will also make it easy for you in managing access to the Faculty Profile form as faculties join/leave your institution.

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