Feature Updates and Bug Fixes introduced in 2018
This following table lists the improvements, changes and bug fixes introduced in Zoho Creator in 2018. Refer to this page for the latest release notes, and this section for earlier updates.
Date | Particulars | Type |
Dec-24, 2018 | In pages, stacked charts are not appearing as expected. | Fix |
Dec-22, 2018 | You can now make use predefined templates to create record templates / print templates. | Improvement |
Dec-22, 2018 | To prevent misconfigurations in pivot tables and pivot charts, you won't be allowed to do the following to the fields participating in these reports:
| Fix / Change |
Dec-19, 2018 | Issue in exporting report as PDF when it displays a lookup field that has name, address, or phone fields set as its display fields. | Fix |
Dec-13, 2018 | With regard to Zoho CRM retiring support for their v1.0 APIs, our Deluge integration tasks now support their v2 API. Refer to Zoho CRM tasks | Improvement / Change |
Dec-10, 2018 |
| Fix |
Dec-6, 2018 |
| Improvement |
Dec-5, 2018 | Issue in uploading files from Dropbox. | Fix |
Dec-3, 2018 |
| Improvement |
Dec-1, 2018 | When accessing from mobile: Unable to edit records in reports that use a Deluge system variable in their criteria/filter. | Fix |
Nov-29, 2018 | When alignment is not specified, exporting page as a PDF will left-align its contents. It was being centre-aligned. | Fix |
Nov-27, 2018 | Version 5.5.0 of the Zoho Creator native mobile app for Android is now available. ![]() | Improvement |
Nov-23, 2018 | Upon deletion of payment workflow, existing payment details are not being displayed in reports. | Fix |
Nov-21, 2018 | Issues in execution of custom action items from mobile apps. | Fix |
Nov-16, 2018 | You can now have the Integration field display data from multiple fields. Learn more | Improvement |
Nov-16, 2018 | For accounts using Zoho Creator 5:
For accounts that are not using Zoho Creator 5 or New UI:
| Fix |
Nov-14, 2018 |
| Fix |
Nov-13, 2018 | With regard to rebranding mobile apps:
| Improvement |
Nov-13, 2018 | Hereafter when you go about verifying an email address, the email containing the verification code will be from noreply@zohocreator.com. So far that email was being sent from zohocreator@zoho.com. | Change |
Nov-11, 2018 | Panel's code editor now supports:
| Improvement |
Nov-3, 2018 | The ZML Snippet’s editor now supports ‘code folding’: Hereafter you’ll be able to fold the Deluge code in ZML Snippets. Hover your mouse over the column showing line numbers and lines containing foldable Deluge code will be identified with the inverted triangle icon. Upon clicking it the corresponding Deluge code will be hid and replaced as follows: | Improvement |
Nov-1, 2018 | Issue with panel actions: Pivot reports do not load when they are opened in a pop-up window | Fix |
Nov-1, 2018 | For accounts that are not using Zoho Creator 5 or New UI: When you access from a web browser, you will now see an improved interface while uploading a file from Google Drive to the file upload field in your form. | Improvement |
Oct-30, 2018 | Hereafter when you add an HTML snippet to your page, it will contain <%{%> <%}%>. So far it was {%> <%}, which let you type Deluge code right away. This change will let you get started with typing HTML code. | Improvement |
Oct-26, 2018 | We have modified the restriction on using the Send Mail Task. Refer to the note in this page. | Fix / Change |
Oct-25, 2018 | Issue in filtering lookup fields when user accesses it from a mobile device: Lookup field's filter is not being applied when a name, address, or phone field is part of the its display fields. | Fix |
Oct-24, 2018 | We have upgraded our framework involved in exporting/printing records and reports as PDF. This upgrade is part of us retiring support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) versions 1.0 and 1.1 by October-31, 2018 (as mentioned here). | Improvement / Change |
Oct-24, 2018 | Issue in redirection (to the source form) after payment when payment is initiated from the published form or from customer portal | Fix |
Oct-23, 2018 | Upon exporting a report as PDF, there’s a mismatch in the order of columns between the report and its PDF | Fix |
Oct-20, 2018 | For EU and CN accounts: We have upgraded our security framework that processes HTML content in your apps. Learn more | Improvement / Change |
Oct-19, 2018 | For accounts using Zoho Creator 5: Developers can now take backups of apps | Improvement |
Oct-16, 2018 |
| Fix |
Oct-13, 2018 | With regard to filtering a report using a page parameter:
| Fix / Change |
Oct-12, 2018 | Change in address field’s behavior:
| Fix / Change |
Oct-11, 2018 | We have introduced a restriction in the Send Mail task. Refer to the note in this page. | Change |
Oct-10, 2018 | A limitation has been encountered: Freezing columns in the tabular layout of list report’s quick view is not supported when grouping is enabled. | Fix |
Oct-5, 2018 | When the on click of a record action is set as Do Nothing, then URLs in that record are not being opened when user clicks on them | Fix |
Sept-27, 2018 |
| Improvement |
Sept-27, 2018 | Page breaks are not captured when pages are downloaded as PDFs | Fix |
Sept-26, 2018 | Issue in exporting as a spreadsheet: With regard to subform, just the data in its first field is exported. Hereafter, the data in all its Display Fields will be exported. | Fix |
Sept-24, 2018 | When embedding forms, adding zc_BgClr=transparent as query string is not making the form transparent. | Fix |
Sept-22, 2018 | In print templates, you can now make use of the sub-fields of name and address fields. | Improvement |
Sept-22, 2018 |
| Fix |
Sept-19, 2018 | You can now duplicate record templates | Improvement |
Sept-19, 2018 | Hereafter, installation of gallery apps will be available only for accounts that have their apps listed in the following manner (as tiles) on their dashboards. If your apps are not listed so, you will be prompted to switch to Zoho Creator 5 while you initiate installation of a gallery app. | Change |
Sept-16, 2018 | Hereafter, errors that arise while accessing pages will be logged | Improvement |
Sept-16, 2018 | Unable to disable radio fields inside subforms | Fix |
Sept-13, 2018 | Images are not being displayed in reports when domain users access them | Fix |
Sept-12, 2018 | You can now choose to hide the legend in charts | Improvement |
Sept-12, 2018 | Detail view's block layout is displaying subform records in the order inverse to which they were added in the subform | Fix |
Sept-6, 2018 |
| Fix |
Sept-4, 2018 | During form submission, native mobile apps are not showing proper warnings when mandatory fields in subforms are empty | Fix |
Sept-3, 2018 | Issues with data access tasks that are added at level 0 (the start) of approval processes | Fix |
Aug-31, 2018 | Custom functions are returning date/date-time values in the default format (Dd/mm/yyyy) instead of the format set in that app’s settings | Fix |
Aug-30, 2018 | While editing apps in Zoho Creator 5, all types of forms, reports, pages, and workflows will hereafter be denoted with distinct icons in the component menu: | Improvement |
Aug-27, 2018 | You can now, while editing your app, deselect the initial value for drop down and radio fields | Improvement |
Aug-27, 2018 |
| Fix |
Aug-24, 2018 | With regard to approval process:
| Fix / Change |
Aug-24, 2018 | OnUserInput script is not getting triggered when user changes focus from the current field to a choice field (Drop Down, Radio, Multi Select, Checkbox). For example: Imagine a form containing a single line and radio field, and that there's Deluge script in the OnUserInput block of the single line field. When a user types an input in the single line field and immediately selects one of the radio buttons, the said OnUserInput script is not being executed. | Fix |
Aug-23, 2018 | When submitting a Payment-enabled Form from a published Page, redirection to the Page isn’t happening after payment | Fix |
Aug-22, 2018 | Unable to export Record Summary as PDF from published reports | Fix |
Aug-17, 2018 | You can now import phone numbers that contain hypens (-) and parentheses (). Refer to this section to learn about importing data into the Name, Address, and Phone fields. | Fix |
Aug-17, 2018 |
| Improvement |
Aug-16, 2018 | Hereafter when you export data from reports as PDF, only the content within 420 pixels of the report's width will be exported. Fields or data after this span of 420 px will not be present in the PDF. | Change |
Aug-16, 2018 | You can now apply background color to HTML Snippets: | Improvement |
Aug-13, 2018 | Hereafter while accessing reports, you can bulk-delete up to 1,000 records | Change |
Aug-8, 2018 | You can now import data into the Name, Address, and Phone fields. Things to know:
| Fix |
Aug-8, 2018 | Info task is not being executed in the on start action block of approval process | Fix |
Aug-8, 2018 | In a report, you cannot have two Action Items with the same name | Fix / Change |
Aug-8, 2018 | While you add Data access tasks via the point-and-click interface, you can now:
| Improvement |
Aug-7, 2018 | Border colour is not being applied in published forms | Fix |
Aug-3, 2018 | daysBetween() is now available for accounts using Zoho Creator 5 or New UI. Syntax: var_a = <startDate>.daysBetween(<endDate>) where startDate and endDate are variables or fields that hold date or date-time values | Fix |
Aug-2, 2018 | We will be retiring support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) versions 1.0 and 1.1 on September-30, 2018. Learn more (This has been extended to October-31, 2018) | Improvement / Change |
Aug-2, 2018 |
| Improvement |
Aug-1, 2018 | We’ve set the size of responses — received on executing getUrl and postUrl tasks — to 50 MB | Change |
Jul-31, 2018 | Issues with downloading rebranded mobile apps for iOS | Fix |
Jul-28, 2018 |
| Fix |
Jul-27, 2018 | Hereafter when a user edits a record that contains a formula field: The formula field's expression will be recalculated even when the fields (participating in its expression) are updated via Deluge script (eg: OnLoad of form or OnUserInput of another field). So far, this recalculation was happening only when a user manually updated the data in the participating fields. Refer to this page to learn how the formula field's value is calculated. | Fix / Change |
Jul-26, 2018 | Unable to save the changes made to reports from application IDE when they contain action items added at the record level | Fix |
Jul-25, 2018 | Uploading a file in a file upload field from cloud storage (Zoho Docs and Google Drive) is not supported when the form is accessed via its published URL or from customer portal. Learn more | Change |
Jul-24, 2018 |
| Fix / Change |
Jul-24, 2018 | Issue in Pages: The Save button is not appearing in embedded spreadsheet reports | Fix |
Jul-23, 2018 | Issue in Android native mobile apps: Unable to access Detail View of a record when the report’s name contains the ampersand character (&) | Fix |
Jul-19, 2018 | Version 5.4.0 of the Zoho Creator native mobile app for Android is now available. ![]() | Improvement |
Jul-16, 2018 | Issue with accessing integration fields in forms: unable to search for data | Fix |
Jul-16, 2018 | You can now set a Default Permission for Customer Portal. Users who sign up to your Public or Restricted portal will automatically be assigned with its default permission. | Fix / Change |
Jul-13, 2018 | Version 5.11 of the Zoho Creator native mobile app for iOS is now available. ![]() | Improvement |
Jul-13, 2018 | Filter is not being applied in charts | Fix |
Jul-11, 2018 | We’ve made UI enhancements to the process of taking backups from your app’s Settings | Improvement |
Jul-10, 2018 |
| Fix |
Jul-6, 2018 | Issue in published calendar reports for accounts using Zoho Creator 5: Able to update events (by dragging and dropping them) even though editing records is not permitted. | Fix |
Jul-5, 2018 | Panels can now display aggregates (of numeric fields) without any grouping separator. The following image shows the Display formats in which Panels can display aggregates (Sum, Minimum, Maximum, Median, Average, and Count): | Improvement |
Jul-4, 2018 |
| Change |
Jul-2, 2018 | Hereafter, when a Multi Line field is referred in the Subject of an Email Notification, each new line character (if present in the field) will be replaced by a white space character. | Fix / Change |
Jul-2, 2018 | For accounts using Zoho Creator 5: Issue with using getFieldValue() inside functions | Fix |
Jun-29, 2018 | Integrating with QuickBooks via forms, fields, and integration task, has now been enabled. Refer the following: | Improvement |
Jun-26, 2018 | Unable to parse XML content returned from external sources via Get URL or Post URL tasks | Fix |
Jun-23, 2018 | When actions (defined in workflows) are being executed On user input of a field, a loading spinner appears next to it. This was not happening (though the actions were being executed). | Fix |
Jun-20, 2018 | Backward compatibility for export URLs has been deprecated. Learn more | Change |
Jun-20, 2018 |
| Fix |
Jun-14, 2018 | Improvement / Change | |
Jun-13, 2018 | The currency field now supports Bosnia and Herzegovina Convertible Mark: currency code BAM and currency symbol KM | Improvement |
Jun-12, 2018 | The currency field now supports Surinamese Dollar: currency code SRD and currency symbol $ | Improvement |
Jun-9, 2018 | Fix | |
Jun-9, 2018 | Version 5.10 of the Zoho Creator native mobile app for iOS is now available. ![]() | Improvement |
Jun-6, 2018 | Hereafter, when you are editing a function, you will be able to access all its previous versions | Improvement |
Jun-5, 2018 | Fix | |
May-25, 2018 | We have introduced the following data privacy and security measures to help your apps achieve compliance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Refer to this page to learn more about Zoho Creator’s GDPR readiness.
| Improvement / Change |
May-9, 2018 | Add record task fails when the form contains a formula field that refers a number field. | Fix |
May-3, 2018 | You can now assign values to integration fields via Deluge script. | Fix |
Apr-28, 2018 |
| Fix / Change |
Apr-28, 2018 | Issue in email notification in accounts using Creator 5: User submitted data is being attached as a PDF when it’s supposed to be present as inline content in the email’s message. | Fix |
Apr-11, 2018 | We’ve increased the number of choices that can be selected in a multi select or checkbox field from 1,000 to 1,500 | Improvement |
Apr-11, 2018 | Unable to export app as a DS when it contains a workflow being triggered via an action item in reports | Fix |
Apr-11, 2018 | We’ve applied limits to the number of customers you can add to your Customer Portal. Hereafter, you will:
| Change |
Apr-10, 2018 | Unable to create a schedule if the app’s date format is dd/MM/yyyy | Fix |
Mar-29, 2018 | Pages are not loading in Android and iOS customer portal apps | Fix |
Mar-27, 2018 | We've released a new version of our platform – Zoho Creator 5. Refer to its release notes.
Contact support@zohocreator.com for any clarifications regarding the same. | Improvement |
Mar-27, 2018 | Version 5.9 of the Zoho Creator native mobile app for iOS is now available. ![]() | Improvement |
Mar-24, 2018 | Version 5.3.0 of the Zoho Creator native mobile app for Android is now available. ![]() | Improvement |
Mar-20, 2018 | For accounts created hereafter, the Restrict Visibility option in Reports has been moved under Profiles. | Improvement |
Mar-16, 2018 | Version 5.8 of the Zoho Creator native mobile app for iOS is now available. ![]() | Improvement |
Mar-10, 2018 | Hereafter, when you delete a field: If the field is referred in the criteria of a personalized report created by your user, you will be able to delete the field only when such reports are deleted. | Fix / Change |
Mar-8, 2018 | Hereafter, if a form is referred in a function, deleting it will not be permitted till its reference in the function is removed. | Fix / Change |
Mar-6, 2018 | Issue in form automation: Set Field Value task is not assigning value to fields that have Show Field To property set as Admin Only. | Fix |
Mar-2, 2018 | Hereafter, in New UI: When a user selects a component from the Sections listed on the left, the selection will be highlighted. So far, the Section (to which the selected component belongs) was highlighted. | Improvement |
Mar-2, 2018 | Unable to save changes in a report when user applies grouping/sorting over the custom filter. | Fix |
Mar-1, 2018 |
| Fix |
Feb-28, 2018 | The Currency field now supports Armenian Dram: currency code AMD and currency symbol AMD. | Improvement |
Feb-28, 2018 | User is able to view record summary of calendar reports even when the URL styling parameter zc_summary is set as ‘false’. | Fix |
Feb-22, 2018 | Version 5.7 of the Zoho Creator native mobile app for iOS is now available. ![]() | Improvement |
Feb-22, 2018 | Hereafter, CAPTCHA in forms will be case-sensitive. | Fix |
Feb-22, 2018 | Creating an app by importing a .ds file fails when it has a bidirectional lookup field that looks up data from a form that is present in an other app. Hereafter, when such a .ds file is imported, the bidirectional relation will be dropped on import. Reason: A bidirectional lookup has fields in both forms - the main form and the related form. As the import process is not permitted to search your account for the other app, it cannot establish the bidirectional relation of that lookup field. | Fix / Change |
Feb-15, 2018 | The Currency field now supports Malawi Kwacha: currency code MWK and currency symbol MK. | Improvement |
Feb-15, 2018 |
| Fix |
Feb-14, 2018 | We have introduced a UI-enhancement for the file-upload and image fields. A new set of icons and context-specific tooltips will appear when you access them from a web browser. | Improvement |
Feb-10, 2018 | Issue with scrolling when accessing a report/page from a web browser: Editing a record from a report, or clicking a custom action, is not returning back to the same scroll position, but taking to the top of that report/page. | Fix |
Feb-9, 2018 | Version 5.6 of the Zoho Creator native mobile app for iOS is now available. ![]() | Improvement |
Feb-9, 2018 | Hereafter, each Form, Report, and Page in your app will have a unique link-name. Zoho Creator will ensure this by:
| Fix / Change |
Feb-5, 2018 | We have introduced some usability enhancements in reports with respect to displaying aggregate values, custom actions, and custom filters. Refer this page to learn more about this. | Improvement |
Feb-1, 2018 | Version 5.5 of the Zoho Creator native mobile app for iOS is now available. ![]() | Improvement |
Jan-29, 2018 |
| Fix |
Jan-24, 2018 | Hereafter when you export data in the CSV format, the value stored in the multi line field will be enclosed in double quotes. Reason: The Multi Line field allows you to enter multiple lines of text. While exporting such data, line separation is expressed using the new line character, and this disturbed the formatting in the exported CSV file. | Change |
Jan-22, 2018 |
| Fix |
Jan-20, 2018 | We have made some readability enhancements in reports. Refer this page to learn more about this update. | Improvement |
Jan-16, 2018 | Shared apps are not appearing in a developer’s dashboard. | Fix |
Jan-15, 2018 |
| Fix |
Jan-13, 2018 | Version 5.4 of the Zoho Creator native mobile app for iOS is now available. ![]() | Improvement |
Jan-8, 2018 | Issue with installing gallery apps: User, who installed a gallery app in a shared workspace, is unable to access that app. | Fix |
Jan-8, 2018 | In New UI: Imagine that you have created a function in your app that is similar to a built-in function in name, return type and argument. So far, wherever you call your function, the built-in function (being prioritized over user-defined functions) was being called instead. We’ve reversed this priority. Hereafter, your function will be prioritized over the corresponding built-in function. | Change |