Real estate management made really easy

When you're amidst a growing entrepreneurial community and a stable economy, you know real estate is smart investment. And that's what InmoInfo did. They sought the opportunities that Costa Rica's thriving city of San Jose offered, and set up a Latin-America-focused real estate business.
It seemed promising.
Until one day, they realized they were juggling details of over 20,000 properties across San Jose. And a typical work day involved making hundreds of calls and leaving the office for field research. Property owners, investors, financial institutions, and even banks lined up with new information that needed to be updated in their database.
Analysts were spending all their time communicating to and fro, manually keeping up with updates and flying papers.
They needed something lighter than paper.
"I was looking for a platform where my data could live in the cloud, and prevent me from worrying about servers and downtime. But I also needed a custom system on both the front end and the back end."
And they found Zoho Creator.
Updating property details is now so easy that they can do it in just a few clicks. What's more, they liked Creator so much, they now use it for other things as well.
On an average day, when they need to know the statuses of the properties they update in their database, they just turn a page.
"We have pages that manipulate the information in our system and show statistics over time using specific calculations that have to do only with the real estate market. And we were able to create all of those within the pages functionality that Zoho Creator offers."
That's the president of the company. But general manager and business analyst, Andrea Escalante uses Creator too, even in her hiring process.
"I use it for everything. I use it as my agenda, even for hiring people. I can have everything in one place and find everything when I need it. I use Creator for submitting expenses and see what everyone else is spending. For me, it's the core of our information system."
She concludes:
"Zoho Creator is really easy to use; not only for me, but for our customers and for our employees. It saves a lot of time."
That's what we'd like to hear.
Thanks:Justin Stein and Andrea Escalante, InmoInfo