Unite all of your employees, encourage diversity.

Use our built-in translation to eliminate language barriers, make employee interactions smoother, promote inclusivity, and enhance collaboration.

Instant translation

Instant translation

Instantly translate posts, comments, and town halls within Zoho Connect and allow employees to communicate effortlessly in their preferred language.

Town halls for all languages

Ensure everyone is on the same page during important company-wide town hall meetings with real-time translation, fostering clear communication and understanding.

Instant translation
Instant translation

Multilingual support

A wide range of languages is supported to help employees personalize language settings to their preferences and interact comfortably.

User-friendly interface

Enjoy a simple, intuitive translation experience embedded in comments and posts.

Instant translation Instant translation

Here’s how Translation can transform your workplace

Translation can transform your workplace

Enhances collaboration

Employees will be able to communicate easily, share ideas, and engage in discussions without language barriers, leading to more inclusive and productive project outcomes.

Improves employee participation

Allow employees to express themselves in their native language, boosting their confidence and encouraging greater involvement in workplace activities.

Simplified onboarding

Provide a smooth onboarding experience for non-native employees by delivering crucial information in their preferred language, which will help them integrate into the organization more quickly and effectively.

Promotes an inclusive culture

Build a workplace where linguistic diversity is celebrated and everyone feels empowered to contribute, and ensure all perspectives are valued and respected.

Break language barriers and achieve more together.