Create and schedule email campaigns
Create your email campaigns in a jiffy using our pre-designed templates, review them with our compliance team, and send them right away or schedule them for later.
Add or import contacts to your email list
Save your contact details in your mailing list and store more information about them or create and add new contacts from anywhere, anytime.
Keep information at your fingertips
View details of sent campaigns and contact profiles, including their device, mailing list(s) they’re part of, custom fields assigned, and so on—all with ease.
Get a focused view of your account
Get a detailed list of recently sent campaigns and contacts in your mailing list right from the dashboard.

Narrow your search
Use the global search option and keep all information such as your campaigns, mailing lists, and active contacts accessible in one place.
Configure pop-ups and track detailed insights
Receive instant notifications about your campaigns' status and measure their metrics to track the progress of your email marketing efforts.
Use gestures and commands to navigate
Perform desired actions and outputs with touch-based commands. From pinching and tapping to zooming and tilting and many others, you can navigate with ease.
Hey Siri,
Summer Sale ReportRecruit Siri to assist you
Give the right voice commands, and Siri does the heavy lifting to help you achieve your email marketing goals.
Choose your convenient language
Zoho Campaigns's mobile version is multilingual and therefore you can set the preferred language and carry out email marketing.
- Hallo
- Hello
- Bonjour
- Привет
- Hola
- こんにちは

Your vision is our focus. It matters to us.
VoiceOver to read to you
Our visually impaired users can turn to our VoiceOver feature to listen to the content of their account out loud as they navigate it and manage their email marketing strategies.
Listen Audio
Fine tune the font size
Dynamic font size helps you adjust the size of what you're reading and scale your textual content according to your comfort level and liking.

When, where, and how do you begin? Right here!
If you're an iPhone or iPad user, we've got more for you! Learn More