PUT - Update calendar settings
This API is used to update the calendar settings of the user.
Request URL
OAuth Scope
ALL - Full access to calendar settings
UPDATE - Updates calendar settings
- settingsdataJSONobject, mandatory*
Settingsdata JSON can be passed to update the settings of the calendar using the following values.
Input JSON keys
- timezonestring
Time zone in which the calendar should be displayed/set for the user.
- dateformatstring
Date format in which the calendar dates should be displayed/set.The date format can be:
- MM/dd/yyyy
- dd/MM/yyyy
- yyyy/MM/dd
- yyyy-MM-dd
- timeformatint
Time format in which the calendar should be displayed.
- default_viewstring
Default view in which the calendar should be displayed.
- day
- week
- work
- month
- agenda
- weekstartstring
Week starts on -
- sunday
- monday
- tuesday
- wednesday
- thursday
- friday
- saturday
- workweek_startstring
Work week starts on -
- sunday
- monday
- tuesday
- wednesday
- thursday
- friday
- saturday
- workweek_endstring
Work week starts on -
- sunday
- monday
- tuesday
- wednesday
- thursday
- friday
- saturday
- hourstartint
The Start time for personal view of the calendar. The values are from 0 to 24.
- hourendint
The end time for personal view of the calendar.The values are from 0 to 24.
- allow_eventinvitestring
Whether event invites from email should be added automatically or not. The values are:
- allow (Allow)
- dont_allow (Don't Allow)
- allow_iffree (Allow when free)
- allow_groupinvitestring
Whether group event invites should be added automatically or not. The values are:
- allow (Allow)
- dont_allow (Don't Allow)
- display_deniedeventsboolean
Whether denied events should be displayed or not. The values are:
- true (show)
- false (hide)
- nonworkinghours_busyboolean
Whether non-working hours should be indicated as "Busy". The values are
- true
- false
- themestring
Selected themes for the Calendar.
- black_cobaltblue
- black_ferngreen
- grey_cobaltblue
- black_tangerineyellow
- grey_tangerineyellow
- black_cardinalred
- grey_cardinalred
- obsidian_black
- vintage_white
- night_mode
- fontsizestring
Preferred font size for displaying details in the Calendar. The values are:
- small
- medium
- large
- extra_large
- very_small
- browser
- event_durationstring
Preferred default event duration in the calendar. The values are:
- 0 (15 minutes)
- 1 (30 minutes)
- 2 (45 minutes)
- 3 (60 minutes)
- 4 (90 minutes)
- 5 (120 minutes)
- guest_permstring
Preferred guest permission for the event in the Calendar. The values are:
- 0 (View only event details)
- 1 (View participants)
- 2 (Add participants)
- 3 (Edit event)
* - Mention at least one JSON key.
Sample Request URL
Sample Input
"allow_groupinvite": "dont_allow",
"event_duration": "1",
"guest_perm": "1"
Sample Response
"settings": [
"preference": {
"guest_perm": "1",
"date_str": "202303071253",
"timezone_dv": "(GMT+05:30) India Standard Time (Asia/Calcutta)",
"allow_groupinvite": "dont_allow",
"hourstart": "9",
"timezone": "Asia/Calcutta",
"event_duration": "1",
"fontsize": "medium",
"timeformat": 0,
"nonworkinghours_busy": false,
"timezone_zh": "Asia/Calcutta",
"hourend": "18",
"display_deniedevents": false,
"weekstart": "sunday",
"workweek_end": "friday",
"theme": "black_cobaltblue",
"allow_eventinvite": "allow",
"default_view": "week",
"dateformat": "dd/MM/yyyy",
"workweek_start": "monday"
"message": "Updated successfully.",
"status": "success"