GET - Get user's free/ busy details
This API is used to get the free/busy details of the user from all the calendars.
Request URL
OAuth Scope
ALL - Full access to free/ busy details
READ - Gets free/ busy details
- uemailstring, mandatory
- uemail is the email address of the user, whose free/ busy schedule should be fetched.
- The email should be in the format
- sdateiso8601basic, mandatory
- sdate is the start date and time from which the free/busy details should be retrieved.
- The supported format for sdate parameter is yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss.
- (yyyy - Year, MM - Month, dd - Date, HH - Hours, mm - Minutes, ss - Seconds.)
- Example: 20170419T080000
- edateiso8601basic, mandatory
- edate is the end date and time up to which the free/busy details should be retrieved.
- The supported format for edate parameter is yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss.
- (yyyy - Year, MM - Month, dd - Date, HH - Hours, mm - Minutes, ss - Seconds.)
- Example: 20170419T080000
- ftypestring, optional
- The free/ busy details can be fetched either based on events or time.
- If the ftype=eventbased, then the response will list the date and time of the events when the user is busy.
- If the ftype=timebased, then the response will list the time at which the user is busy on a particular day. The time will be listed in a 24 hours format. If the user has an all-day event then the response will have the value "allday": true, if not the value will be given as "null".
- Example:
- The response for a user having both an all-day event and time-based events.
- "20211215": [ { "allday": true }, [ "02:30-03:50", "12:30-14:00", "20:00-20:30" ] ]
- The response for a user having time-based events but not an all-day event.
- "20211214": [ null, [ "00:30-01:00" ] ]
- The response for a user having both an all-day event and time-based events.
Note: If the ftype parameter is not given then the response will be given for event-based free/ busy data by default for the given time period.
Sample Request
Sample Response: Event based
"freebusy": [
"startTime": "20170419T190000Z",
"endTime": "20170419T193000Z",
"fbtype": "busy"
Sample Response: Time based
"20211201": [],
"20211202": [],
"20211203": [],
"20211204": [],
"20211205": [],
"20211206": [],
"20211207": [],
"20211208": [],
"20211209": [],
"20211210": [],
"20211211": [],
"20211212": [],
"20211213": [],
"20211214": [
"20211215": [
"allday": true
"20211216": [
"allday": true
"20211217": [],
"20211218": [],
"20211219": [],
"20211220": [],
"20211221": [],
"20211222": [],
"20211223": [],
"20211224": []