
How to migrate bills from Wave to Zoho Books?

To export bills from Wave, you’ll have to use the the export data option. Here’s how:

  • Login to your Wave app and navigate to Settings.
  • Select Data Export.
  • Click Export all transactions in CSV or Export all transactions in Excel.
  • An email with the bill in a ZIP file will be sent to your email.

Once you have exported the file from Wave, you can download it and use the downloaded file to import bills in Zoho Books.

Notes: The bill number field is mandatory in Zoho Books, so ensure that a unique bill number is entered for all the bills in the import file.

Bill payments cannot be imported from Wave to Zoho Books. Hence, payments have to be recorded manually for the bills that have been paid. If a vendor has multiple paid bills, you can record a single vendor payment for it.

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