
How do I calculate the total cost incurred for the hours worked by a user?

Prerequisite: To calculate the total cost incurred for the hours worked by a user, you have to set the cost per hour for a user. Read our FAQ on how to set the cost per hour for a user.

To calculate the total cost incurred for the hours worked by a user:

  • Go to Time Tracking on the left sidebar and select Projects or Timesheets.
  • Click Log Time in the top right corner of the page and select Log Time from the dropdown.
  • In the pop up that appears:
    • Enter the Project Name and the corresponding Task Name.
    • Enter the time spent by the user in the Time Spent field.
    • The total cost will be updated based on the time entered in the Time Spent field. You can find the total cost in the Total Cost field.
    • Click Save.

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